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黑话终究是太丑了!Why, argot is horrible!

会谈话的舌头是一件优良的兵器。A good argot is a good weapon.

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他们创造的隐语、歇后语、谚语等丰富了中国的语言。The argot and proverb created by them enrich Chinese language.

指出所谓隐语文学指的是具有隐语性质的文学。At the same time points out Argot Literature has the nature of argot.

国家,按银行的术语,太大,太重要了以至于无法承受它的失败。The country is, in the argot of banking, too big to be allowed to fail.

请尽早告知旅游计划,以便我们做出安排。Please advise your travel plan at earliest date so we make argot acidly.

一个群体拥有一种在贸易行话中被称作“深根”的东西。The clusters had what are known in the argot of the trade as deep roots.

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发言者偶尔出现,但大都数是睁大眼睛的谩骂者-跟疯子一样,在贝尔法斯特是种暗语。Spokesmen occasionally appear, but most are wild-eyed ranters—"headcases", in Belfast argot.

创造衍生品是为了减少——或者用华尔街的行话,“对冲”——投资损失。Derivatives were created to soften — or in the argot of Wall Street, “hedge” — investment losses.

他们表示,在大多数情况下,网络作者有自己的潜规则,这一点让老师和家长们担忧。Often, they argue, writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot that vexes teachers and parents.

他们说,通常情况下,网络写手会使用一种让老师和家长抓狂的晦涩难懂的网络语言。Often , they argue , writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot that vexes teachers and patents.

但歌中都是隐语譬喻,不经过明师的指点,一般人是很难看明白的。But the song's argot parables, not through spiritual master advice, the average person is very ugly understand.

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因此,必须向不明真相的人说清楚,黑话是文学范畴中的一种奇迹,也是人类社会的一种产物。For, it must be stated to those who are ignorant of the case, that argot is both a literary phenomenon and a social result.

随着金融危机从“狼来了”变成活生生的磨难,金融业的一些特有隐语也进入到了日常对话中。Just as the financial crisis has morphed into a daily grind instead of a daily fire drill, its peculiar argot has found its way into everyday conversations.

犯罪隐语语料库的建设对公安机关增强打击刑事犯罪的能力、及时查获犯罪嫌疑人意义重大。The build-up of criminal argot corpus is of great significance for police units to enhance the ability of striking criminal misdeeds and timely capture suspects.

刘大鸿继续以绘画建构自己的哲学,熟练地以民间风俗与政治俚语表达他对人类命运和文化历史的关注。Through these, Liu continue to form his own philosophy in painting versed at folk and political argot to express a concern for the fate of mankind and cultural history.