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接着说佛牙舍利。Cue the Buddha tooth.

昨天我把我的台球杆弄弯了。I sprang my cue yesterday.

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你愿意在我的台词方面给我提示吗?Will you cue me on my lines?

有效提示的PMA图形旋转。PMA figure rotation with cue.

安全信号是个小圈。The safety cue was a small circle.

仿佛电影里不详的主题音乐随之响起。Cue ominous theme music from Dragnet.

他一再用白垩粉擦他的球杆尖。He chalked his billiard cue again and again.

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演艺圈的人们有一些技巧,可以帮助他们在剧情需要时流泪。Actors have a few tricks to help them cry on cue.

我可以从平显上的指示看到尾滑是否开始了。I'll see the cue in my HUD when it starts sliding.

那么你认为他会在哪里找这些线索呢?Where do you think this user would look for a cue?

这只大熊猫看起来在啃倒一根台球杆。This panda looks like he's chewing down a pool cue.

在台球中用球杆垂直撞击母球的动作。A piece of wood used to steady the cue in billiards.

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“这就暗示你该回家睡觉了,”马尔辛斯基说。"That's your cue to go home to bed," says Marczinski.

一次击球中母球进入袋中被称为母球落袋。A shot on which the cue ball is pocketed is called a scratch.

这使得我必须仔细检查她是否在阅读大字报。I had to look over to see if she was reading from a cue card.

现在线索光抚摸,亲吻,爱抚,组合成性。Now cue the light touching, kissing, fondling, into sex combo.

在轮到你唱时,播音室经理会提示你。The studio manager will cue you in when it's your turn to sing.

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本杆的木材为鸟眼枫木与这种血红色木材。This cue is made from Birdseye Maple and blood-red- colored wood.

当他转身时,那便是在暗示她该从门里走出来。When he turns around, it's a cue for her to come out of the door.

以下这些照片不足以展示这根球杆的精美。Here are photos, but they do not show-case this fine cue properly.