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骑士们骑马比武,嬉戏作乐。Knights joust and frolic.

游客晒着日光浴在海水里嬉戏。Tourists sunbathe and frolic in the ocean.

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定睛凝视水泊上嬉戏的野禽。Fix eyes on frolic wild fowls on the moor water.

孩子们睡觉前正在嬉戏玩闹。The children are having a frolic before bedtime.

现在,一些羊群已经在多洛附近黄色的开花灌木丛中嬉戏。Now, small herds of goats frolic near Dolo's yellow flowering bushes.

一旦离开中国大陆,人民币即可在香港的自由市场上自由流动。Once offshore, these redbacks can frolic in Hong Kong's free markets.

一旦离开中国大陆,人民币即可在香港的自由市场上自由流动。Once offshore, these redbacks can frolic in Hong Kong’s free markets.

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两个小孩在中国山东青岛的海滩上嬉戏。Two youths frolic at a beach in Qingdao, Shandong province, in China.

喀拉哈里的两只好望角小狐狸在大狐狸外出觅食期间嬉戏。Two Cape fox pups frolic while the adults are out foraging in the Kalahari

愿欢乐的歌声,时刻萦绕着你,使你的人生充满幸福喜悦,永浴与无尽的欢乐年华。祝圣诞快乐!I hope frolic songs are always round you and bring you endless happiness. Merry!

frolic在16世纪第一次出现在英语中,词根来源于日耳曼语。Frolic first appeared in English in the 16th century and came from Germanic roots.

安全地在无化学成分的泡泡浴中嬉戏,同时享有香薰的所带来的益处。Frolic safely in this chemical-free bubble bath with the added benefit of aromatherapy.

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心中激情澎湃的约翰开始在思想上为即将到来的美妙一夜做准备。With excitement in his heart, John begins to mentally prepare for a night of fun and frolic.

我希望那儿有座芳草萋萋的小山,这样我就能像大学宣传册封面上的那些年轻人一样,在草丘上快乐嬉戏。I wanted a nice grassy hill where I could frolic happily like the kids on the front pages of college brochures.

一群澳大利亚海狮在海草草甸中休憩、嬉戏,是在澳大利亚南部的小霍普金斯岛附近拍的。A group of Australian sea lions relax and frolic in a sea grass meadow near Little Hopkins Island South Australia.

一群澳大利亚海狮在霍普金岛一片茂盛的海草水域休息玩耍。A group of australian sea lions relax and frolic in a sea grass meadow near Little Hopkins Island, South Australia.

投掷蛋糕是生日聚会中最常见的一幕。然而,这里是甜蜜、嬉闹、伤害、幸福抑或忍耐?Pitching cake with each other at birthday party is the most common scene sweet, frolic hurt, happiness or endurance?

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投掷蛋糕是生日聚会中最常见的一幕。然而,这里是甜蜜、嬉闹、伤害、幸福亦或忍耐?Pitching cake with each other at birthday party is the most common scene sweet, frolic hurt, happiness or endurance ?

它们也被认为能在夏季海滩上无忧无虑的人们嬉戏的岸边浅水处捕猎。They also are believed to hunt in the same shallow coastal waters where unsuspecting beachgoers frolic in the summer.

男孩子在四五岁的时候就能够讲很多笑话,嬉戏或者扮小丑,女孩子这个时候通常还只会笑。Boys as young as four or five tell more jokes, frolic and clown about while girls tend to be the ones doing the laughing.