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小子,你找死!Boy, you quest die!

您寻求的是什么?What is your quest?

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你必须结束你的寻求。You must finish the quest.

他们为寻找黄金而长途跋涉。They traveled in quest of gold.

是追求浪漫的工具。it's a tool from romance quest.

我们的探索之心究竟从何而来?Where does it come from?This quest?

如下是他们的探索简史。Here is a brief history of their quest

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这表示人类对了解上帝的探索。And it denotes man's quest to know God.

韦特毕生都在进行精神探索。Waite spent his life on a spiritual quest.

寻求艾滋病的治愈方式仍在持续中。The quest for an AIDS cure still continues.

在滑稽角色的寻求过程中的图形是第一流的。The graphics in Joker's Quest are top notch.

让它成为你对健康追求的一部分吧。Make it part of your quest for better health.

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加入亚历山德拉来保护海洋。Join Alexandra in her quest to save the oceans.

这款游戏预计将在暑期档的末尾发行。Brain Quest will land on the DS late this summer.

完成一部小说的初稿就是一次探寻。Completing the first draft of a novel is a quest.

为了寻求一个如此渺茫的证据,你心尽力竭,一死了之。You dry up and die in quest of a proof so obscure.

寻求终身教育至关重要。Quest for lifelong education is primary importance.

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知道你在找什么对你的需求可能会有帮助。Knowing what to look for could help you on your quest.

追寻终身教育是相当重要的。Quest for lifelong education is of primary importance.

她到图书馆去找些东西来读。She went to the library in quest of something to read.