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他以木工为业。He is a carpenter by profession.

木匠把夹板修平。The carpenter dubbed the splint.

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木匠在木板上开槽。The carpenter grooved the board.

约翰还能做些木匠活。John is something of a carpenter.

这位木匠正在为锯子锉齿。The carpenter was toothing a saw.

她跟一位管子工当学徒。He was apprenticed to a carpenter.

那么木匠和油漆工呢?What about a carpenter or painter?

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木匠把桌面刨光了。The carpenter planed a table smooth.

他做木工活,以维持生计。He makes his livelihood as a carpenter.

这个男孩被送去学木匠。The boy was apprenticed to a carpenter.

那些贼在铁箱上钻了个洞。The carpenter drilled holes in the wood.

我以前当过兵,现在我是个木匠。I was a soldier and I am a carpenter now.

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他在把一个苹果削成某种形状。The carpenter is shaping a piece of wood.

他的父亲使他向木匠拜师学艺。His father apprenticed him to a carpenter.

木匠在刨一块木板。The carpenter evened a board with a plane.

那位木工用刨刨平一块木板。The carpenter evened a board with a plane.

卡彭特不需要做过多解释。Carpenter doesn't need to explain very much.

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父亲仍在干木匠活。Father still plies his trade as a carpenter.

木匠怒气冲冲地把工具丢在一边。The carpenter angrily flung aside his tools.

木匠把钉子钉进了木板。The carpenter drove the nail into the floor.