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省时是否意味着做得更多?Does timesaving mean getting more done?

该法节省时间,操作简单,过程容易控制。The preparation method is timesaving and easy control.

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省时的发明-象电子邮件和自动提款机-让曰常工作更有效率。Timesaving inventions—like email and ATMs—have made daily tasks more efficient.

查询也提供了其他节省时间的功能,提高了数据的准确性。The query also offers other timesaving features to increase the accuracy of your data.

处女座妈妈时间观念很强,她们偏爱任何能节省时间的东西。As Virgo moms are very particular about time, they would love anything which is timesaving.

其链条轨道采用开放式结构,安装维修特别方便省时。Its rail is the open-type structure, so the maintenance is very convenience and timesaving.

利用几何特性寻找射线,既准确又节省计算时间。Making use of the geometric relations, the location of the rays is accurate and timesaving.

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处女妈妈时间观念很强,她偏爱任何能节省时间的玩意。moms are very particular about time therefore they would love anything which is timesaving.

在CX-5A的基础上增加双定们装置使操作更方便省时、省力。Added dual positioner on the base of CX-5A, it, s operation is more convenient and timesaving.

这种省时的锻炼把两种运动形式结合成一组全身增强训练。This timesaving workout combines two popular forms of exercise into one total-body firming routine.

如果他们把工程拖延到最后一分钟,这个节约时间的进度表改动不会成为可能。Had they been left to the last minute, this timesaving schedule shuffle wouldn't have been possible.

这种省时卡可以在任何商品服务领域使用,包括公共交通。These timesaving cards can be used to pay for all kinds of goods and services, including public transit.

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NET基础在,您将准备探索第16章和17章里的节约时间快捷的数据绑定模型。NET in this chapter, you'll be ready to explore the timesaving shortcuts of the data binding model in Chapter 16 and Chapter 17.

QIAGEN试剂盒法简单省时,提取的山楂总DNA产量高、纯度高、杂质少、DNA碎片少。The result showed that QIAGEN method was simple, timesaving , high-yield, high-purity, low levels of impurity and DNA fragments.

而这里我们要推荐的是一种全新的手工拼布方式,无须专业的基础和工具,无须花费太多的精力和时间,按照图纸操作,便能在短时间内完成成品。But here we say is a latest timesaving patchwork which could be done in a short time without professional tools but a guide picture.

该体制不仅具有足够高的安全性,并且签名、加密等运算量也较小。The security of this cryptosystem is enough to satisfy the user's needs. The Computation for signature and encrypting is timesaving.

方法简单、省时、可靠,可以作为一种有效的检测启动子活性的方法。The method is simple, timesaving and dependable, thus it can be used as a kind of effective measuring in detection of promoter activity.

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直接测验和间接测验的比较显示,无论是汉词还是图形材料,启动效率与省时率差异均无显著性。In the comparison between the direct and indirect tests, the priming rate and timesaving rate didn't differ in the word or picture stimuli.

具有成型速度快、精度高、表面质量好、后处理简单省时等特点,大幅度缩短产品更新换代的周期。The feature of fast speed, high precision, good surface quality, simple and timesaving final precessions greatly shorten the production circulation.

无论何时何地,教员和学员都可以访问他们的个人培训计划,使得系统极其灵活和省时。Trainers and trainees can have access to their personal training plans anywhere and at any time. This is what makes the system extremely flexible and timesaving.