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他因工作过度而丧失了健康。His health was the forfeit he paid for overworking.

如果你违背了义务,那也就会被剥夺权利。If you breach those responsibilities, you also forfeit your rights.

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人就是赚得全世界、赔上了自己的生命、有甚麽益处呢。What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?

它是一种道德的不洁,杀人犯的生活将因此而被没收。That's a kind of moral impurity, and his life is forfeit because of that.

只要安东尼奥要受罚,我就会要了他的心。Bespeak him a fortnight before, I will have Antonio's heart if he forfeit.

缺课的人最多会被扣一个月的失业救济金作为惩罚。Those who miss their classes can forfeit up to a month’s unemployment benefits.

如果出现极长的延误,裁判可以剥夺任意一方的比赛资格。In the case of extremely long delays, the umpires may forfeit the match to either team.

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让自己对痛苦麻痹,我们也必然丧失快乐的可能性。To render ourselves insensible to pain we must forfeit also the possibility of happiness.

假如一个人要失去自我才能赢得世界,那又有何得著?What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?

但是如果你规定保单的现金价值,会随保单的取消而消失,他们就不会这么干了It turns out that if you make them forfeit their cash value on canceling, then they won't cancel.

除非这年天使长米迦勒洁能还钱,那么我的最好土地将被雨果修道院院长没收。Unless it be paid by Michaelmas Day of this year, then my best manor lands are forfeit to Abbot Hugo.

传道书总览五-人就是赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢?Ecclesiastes Overview Part 5- What Good Is It For A Man To Gain The Whole World, Yet Forfeit His Soul?

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然而,若交还首饰时发现有任何损坏,我们将保留不退回按金的权利。However, where damages are found upon return of accessories, we reserve the right to forfeit the deposit.

任何人如帮助敌人危害本国,他的生命财产便被国家没收。If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown.

许多研靠危险物炙的科学家,咱追求知识中付出了生命蹬代价。Some scientists who have studied dangerous substances have paid the forfeit of their lives in cause of knowledge.

与欧洲相反,美国辞工在家的护理人员也免缴医保费及社保费。By contrast, American carers who leave their jobs also forfeit health-insurance and social-security contributions.

如果你允许恐惧赢得自己的生命之战,那就直接宣告它的胜利,放弃这场竞赛。If you are going to allow fear to win the battle for your life, then proclaim it the victor and forfeit the match.

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如果他们放弃漂泊,融入现代社会,这些中世纪的时空旅行者会受到怎样的惩罚呢?What would these medieval time travelers forfeit if they gave up their wandering and entered society's mainstream?

“所以说,”女巫继续说,“那个人类归我。他的生命全在我手里,他的血也归我所有。”"And so, " continued the Witch, "that human creature is mine. His life is forfeit to me. His blood is my property. "

但是,这试用养老男子被没收他的行为,故意不服从命令为自己和后代。But this probationary endowment man was to forfeit by his act of willful disobedience for both himself and descendants.