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没有船帆座,没有猎户座。No Vela no Orion.

贝拉被租借在西班牙的俱乐部。Um but Vela turned up in Spain.

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有几位球员将轮休,不过贝拉回来了。One or two will be rested. Vela is back.

但我认为不会有人复出,贝拉和特拉奥雷还需要些时间。It seems a bit short for Carlos Vela and Armand Traore.

荷兰人说,“但算上我自己,还有爱德华多,本特纳,贝拉都能在前线担起进攻的重任。But myself, Eduardo, Nicklas and Carlos Vela can all play the main role up front.

莱万特向阿森纳咨询卡洛斯。贝拉下赛季的租借可能。Levante have asked Arsenal for permission to take Carlos Vela on loan next season.

阿瑟·温格期望卡洛斯·维拉能成为他下赛季球队的一线队球员。Arsène Wenger expects Carlos Vela to be a part of his first-team squad next season.

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贝拉有世界级的潜力但是我们必须给他机会去提高他的技术。Vela has world class potential and must be given an opportunity to develop his skills.

船帆A距地球3300光年,照片中的空间跨度约有130光年。Vela A is about 3, 300 light-years away. This image spans about 130 light-years in space.

博尔顿已经向阿森纳提出了正式报价求租墨西哥前锋贝拉。Bolton Wanderers have made an official offer to Arsenal to take striker Carlos Vela on loan.

贝拉和多斯最近正在为世界杯努力着。Both Vela and Dos Santos are currently preparing to star for Mexico in the World Cup finals.

短期内,不会有宇航员或者机器人探测器被送往船帆座。Neither humans nor their robot helpers are likely to be dispatched toward Vela anytime soon.

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恩里克维拉称,除了卡洛斯的兄弟亚历让德罗,他们全家都将迁往西班牙。Enrique Vela said that the entire family except Carlos' brother Alejandro will move to Spain.

我认为他是队中的一员,我们只有一支球队打天下。I believe Carlos Vela is a player of the squad and the whole squad will be used over the season.

洛蒂纳说他想在到墨西哥淘宝,目标是贝拉和多斯·桑托斯。Lotina said that he would like to dip into the Mexican market again to sign Vela and Dos Santos.

从教练的角度来看,温格期望巴卡里·萨尼亚可以给贝拉来一个测试。From a coaching perspective, Wenger is looking forward to the test Bacary Sagna will provide Vela.

特别在被问到贝拉和多斯·桑托斯时,他说,“他们是我们喜欢的球员。”When asked specifically about Vela and Dos Santos, Lotina said, "They are two players that we like."

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在船帆星座发现的环绕橙色矮星的行星,这颗行星被命名为毫无诗意的HD85512b,正绕着一颗橙色矮星轨道运行。The unpoetically named HD85512b was discovered orbiting an orange dwarf star in the constellation Vela.

好像是要考验我的反应能力,没过几分钟船长又开始喊“Vela”,我们再次投入行动。As if to test my reflexes, within minutes the skipper cried "Vela" again, and we all sprung into action.

位于它的庞大的尘埃云团里的那颗小恒星,被称作船帆座脉冲星,这颗星每秒旋转11周。Within this massive cloud of dust lies a tiny star called the Vela pulsar that spins 11 times per second.