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所给调子或音调中的主音。The dominant in a given key or tonality.

调性通常与调的意思相同。Tonality is, in general, the same as key.

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一篇音乐作品或章节可以是某一调或调性。A piece of music or a passage may be in a particular key or tonality.

这种后出现的模式发展成为定义调性的方式之一。This later developed into one of the defining characteristics of tonality.

因为电子邮件中没有身体语言或者声音语调来传达你的神韵和情感。There is no body language or voice tonality to convey nuances and emotions.

可通过利用相似色和色调来形成视觉的连贯性。Visual coherence can be achieved through the use of analogous color and color tonality.

秦源陶埙的音程、音色和音调具有独特的风格和特点。Qinyuan Pottery Xun has its own features and styles in tone color , interval and tonality.

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色调依赖于地质体反射的亮度,利用电子设备可以测量出来。Tonality depends onthereflected brightness of the terrainandcan be electronically measured.

大底片或幻灯片保留了完美的细节,极好的色调。The large negatives or slides deliver beautifully detailed images with a very nice tonality.

本文对他在这首作品中的“调性呈示与贯穿”手法作了初步的概括和分析。The article summed up and analyzed his technique of exposition and permeated tonality in the work.

他也是少数一位能搭建传统调性和非调性桥梁的作曲家。He was also one of the few composers to bridge the gap between conventional tonality and atonality.

数百年以来,苏州弹词唱腔以曲调璀璨,流派纷呈而享誉吴地。In hundreds of years , Suzhou Tanci was famous in Wu Territory for its diversity in tonality and genre.

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这些声音可能大声可能小声、可能清脆可能较闷、可能高亢可能低沉、可能悦耳可能难听。These sounds may be loud or quiet, clear or muffled, high or low pitched, pleasant or unpleasant in tonality.

油画之美,主要是色彩之美,而色彩之美,关键是要看如何掌握和运用色调。The beauty of a painting lies in its beauty of color of which the key point is the mastery and use of the tonality.

此描绘英国乡间之美的作品,用色清新亮丽,屋舍的倒影写实自然。The tonality of the image is refreshing and brilliant, and the reflection of the cottages seems realistic and natural.

根据上述教学要求,本文将五声调式的调性发展问题作为主要研究课题。According to the teaching requirements, this paper will take the development of pentatonic tonality as the main research topic.

如果一部音乐作品是以某一自然音阶为基础创作出来的,我们就说这部作品具有这一个调子的调性。这也就是说作品的调性中心就是该音阶的主音。Music based on a certain diatonic key is said to have the tonality of that key. This means that its tonal center, is the tonic.

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第二部分是分析在中国作曲家的作品中,有关五声调式交替、五声调式远关系转调方面的探索与实践。The second part is analysis of Chinese composers' exploration of alternating and far-relationship transfering of pentatonic tonality.

中国古代乐律学的理论体系与架构,是在整个思想文化大背景的笼罩、影响下发展的。The theory system and practice frame of Chinese ancient studies of tonality developed under the influence of the entire cultural background.

这首歌以含着热泪的哭泣似的音调,唱出了悲愤交加的心声。This first song holds the tonality which the tears the sob resembles, sang the aspiration which the grief and indignation occurred simultaneously.