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它影响了我。It affected me.

有什么影响What's being affected here?

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他确实受到了某些影响He was really affected by it.

她的死使我深为悲恸。Her death affected me deeply.

不要用油脂涂抹患处。Don't grease the affected part.

音乐深深打动了她。The music affected her deeply.

女孩子们也会受到保姆的影响。Girls are affected by nannies too.

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我被这消息深深感动。I was deeply affected by the news.

但这并不意味着你的学习会受到影响。Your studies need not be affected.

只有两百辆汽车受到影响。Only two hundred vehicles affected.

这个城市受到时疫的侵袭。The city was affected with plagues.

人们很容易受此影响And people are very affected by these.

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他深为这一悲伤的情景所感动。He was much affected at the sad sight.

还有它对经济的影响如何,其次,and how that affected the economy and,

毕竟这并没有影响他看篮球赛。It hasn't affected his basketball game.

不会影响到无关的信息。Out-of-band information isn't affected.

这次演讲使观众们深为感动。The speech deeply affected the audience.

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Balu有大约100个家庭受到了影响。Around 100 families in Balu are affected.

这件事影响了所有认识男孩的人。The affair affected all who knew the boy.

而右心室也可能会受到一定影响。The right ventricle also may be affected.