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其本意其实是中国国骂的谐音。Purported Chinese curse is in fact the harmonics.

上图描绘的是闵皇后的照片。Pictured above is a purported photograph of the Queen.

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关于收件人的代理人或潜在代理人,请参阅第52节评论C。As to agents or purported agents of the addressee, see 52 Comment C.

1963年一份研究据说找到了一个每分能读到17040个单词的人。A 1963 study purported to find one person who read 17, 040 words per minute.

劳莱所声称的发现一经提出,历史学家们学家们就为之喝彩。Lowry's purported discovery was hailed by historians when he came forward in 1998.

但是在录音带中,酷似扎卡维的声音说他并不在费卢杰。But on the recording, the voice purported to be al-Zarqawi said he was not in Fallujah.

也很难与人们所宣传的,人类内在价值之类的观念相吻合It might also be hard to mesh a notion such as the purported intrinsic value of people.

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将这些飘渺的互动翻译为人可理解的确凿的。It translates these purported interactions into a mode perceivable and tangible to man.

如果戳记没有真正地使用声明的前导零比特进行散列,那么它就是非法的。If the stamp does not really hash with the purported leading zero bits, it is not valid.

道教书庄子是其本意是作者庄子,哲学家的名字命名的。The Taoist book Zhuangzi was named after its purported author Zhuangzi, the philosopher.

这是一种白魔法强效的植物根,多用于玩赌博上的选择游戏时吸引好运。This white, powdery root is purported to attract good luck when playing games of chance.

人们常把那些很难觅得的,不同寻常的,或者有趣的食物,当做传说中的催情药。Difficult unusual or interesting foods also commonly feature in lists of purported aphrodisiacs.

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大岛是夏威夷岛链中最年轻的岛屿,传统观点认为它座落于地幔柱上方。The island, the youngest in the chain, is traditionally thought to be above the purported plume.

人们常把那些很难觅得的,不同寻常的,或者有趣的食物,当做传说中的催情药。Difficult, unusual or interesting foods also commonly feature in lists of purported aphrodisiacs.

他尽管被判决有罪,他的轻刑反映了人们普遍怀疑他谣传的角色。Though found guilty, his light sentence reflected widespread skepticism about his purported role.

往往骗徒假发明政府委员会的目的在于清除付款。Quite often, the fraudsters invent bogus Government committees purported to have cleared the payments.

比起男性,女性从来就更容易从心理上及生理上受到爱情影响。Woman are purported to be more psychologically and physiologically affected by relationships than men.

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此外,她还在印尼东部苏拉维西的一家小店里发现了一瓶声称是荷兰威士忌的东西。Also, she encountered, in a shop in Sulawesi, Indonesia, a bottle of what purported to be Dutch whisky.

以色列和中国的官员很久以前就已经否认了歼十与幼狮之间有所联系的消息。Both Chinese and Israeli officials have long refuted any purported links between the J-10 and the Lavi.

拍卖品包括传说中一个遇难者的救生衣,一份头等舱宴会的菜单和一把折叠式帆布躺椅。The lots include the purported lifejacket of one victim, a first-class dinner menu and a folding deckchair.