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越南与中国毗邻。Viet Nam is contiguous to China.

他们是紧密接邻的地区。They are two immediately contiguous areas.

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黑待续是连续的选择。black continu to be the contiguous choice.

字符串就是一串,字符,亦称字节。A string is a contiguous sequence of characters aka bytes.

毗连区的宽度为十二海里。The breadth of the contiguous zone is twelve nautical miles.

从技术上讲,间隙是最大的连续空格序列。Technically, a gap is a maximal sequence of contiguous spaces.

连自己身边的婢女都可以不要。The maidservants that interlock oneself contiguous all can no.

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发生缓冲区溢位时,会覆写下一个相邻的记忆体块。When this happens, the next contiguous chunk of memory is overwritten.

系统中各邻接刚体之间作受控的相对运动。The contiguous bodies of the system perform controlled relative motion.

其实和服是最接近于中华传统的服装——唐装。In fact , kimono is the most contiguous to traditional Chinese garments.

胸膜下蜂窝囊泡可见于数个相邻层面。Subpleural honeycomb cysts typically occur in several contiguous layers.

焊缝的一个连续的整个圆周珠山周围。Weld a contiguous bead around the entire circumference of the axle mount.

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程式载入主记忆体内,它必须占有连续地址的记忆体。Each program had to occupy a single contiguous block of storage locations.

这些残基在多肽链的一级结构上是连续的吗?Are the residues contiguous in the primary sequence of the polypeptide chain?

把视窗向右捲动,就可以观赏美国这个地区最高峰的景观。Scroll right to take in the view from the highest summit in the contiguous USA.

在左侧的表示方法中,字符放在连续的内存位置内。In the one on the left, the characters are located in contiguous memory locations.

常宁慢慢走到她的身边,狠狠的将她揉进怀中。Often rather and slowly hike to her mercilessly rumple contiguous she into bosom in.

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一种地址连续的、定长的存储区,每个分区是一个独立的地址空间。A contiguous fixed-sized area of storage. Each partition is a separate address space.

请注意,相等的键值将具有相同编码,因此这些值是连续的。Note that identical key values will encode the same and will therefore be contiguous.

子序列中的字符与子字符串中的字符不同,它们不需要是连续的。The characters in a subsequence, unlike those in a substring, do not need to be contiguous.