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费边社会方面的研究主任Research director, Fabian Society

费边。马克西姆斯确实成功地运用了新的“进攻性的费边战术”。Fabius Maximus did manage to use the new "Offensive Fabian Tactics".

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乔治·华盛顿在独立战争期间采取过拖延战术。George Washington adopted a Fabian policy during the war of Independence.

有些人说他是暗示1884年成立的费边社成立一百年。Some say he was alluding to the centenary of the Fabian Society, founded in 1884.

费边社的现代福利理论是英国福利制度产生的重要思想前提。Fabian modern welfare theory is the important premise of the English welfare system.

在1884年加入菲比逸夫社会,成为最有影响力的成员。In 1884 Shaw joined the Fabian Society and became one of its most influential members.

费边坎瑟拉拉比赛时间通过鹿特丹审判过程中,在7月3日的序幕。Fabian Cancellara races through the Rotterdam time trial course during the prologue July 3.

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肖伯纳深受一个名为费边社的英国改革团体的影响。A strong influence was exercised on Shaw by the Fabian society the English reformist organization.

当费边离开军队返回罗马城时,米努西乌斯使“费边战术”更具进攻性。When Fabius left for Roma, Minucius used the " Fabian Tactics" along with an offensive reform to it.

正如以往坚定不移地培养技术员一样,印度理工学院现在开始致力于培养企业家。are now as bent on producing entrepreneurs as they were once determined to produce Fabian technicians.

像法比安·波尔这样的有工作同时还有学历的运动员已经非常罕见。Players like Fabian Boll who have a job on the side and an education are a very rare exception these days.

因此,1900年,由贸易协会、独立劳动党和费边社合并成立了劳工党。So the Labor Party was formed by the Trade Unions, the Independent Labor Party and the Fabian Society in 1900.

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菲律宾人医会结合了乡村眼科诊所,在圣法棉社共同举办第108次义诊。Philippines TIMA collaborate with the "Free Rural Eye Clinic" to hold Tzu Chi's 108th free clinic in San Fabian.

埃斯特拉达政府为阿奎诺遭暗杀时负责保安事务的武装部队总司令费维安·弗尔举行军队葬礼,也令李光耀感到费解。Lee is even puzzled that the late General Fabian Ver was given by the Estrada government military honors at his burial.

费边Zuleeg,在布鲁塞尔的欧洲政策研究中心的首席经济学家说,美国参与的权利。Fabian Zuleeg, chief economist at the European Policy Center in Brussels, says the United States is right to get involved.

俱乐部继续保持与梅策尔德和前米兰后卫阿亚拉的转会接洽。Juventus are continuing their transfer machinations amid talks for Christoph Metzelder and ex-Milan defender Fabian Ayala.

一位来自伊利诺斯州的土壤与植物营养专家,认为免耕作意味着更少的密集型劳动力。Fabian Fernandez, a soil and plant nutrition expert at the University of Illinois, says no-till means less intensive labor.

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科布斯专家费边坎瑟拉拉导致了第一个鹅卵石在第三阶段7月6日他的Saxo银行的队友。Cobbles specialist Fabian Cancellara leads his Saxo Bank teammates over a cobblestone section during the third stage July 6.

最终,在第58分钟富宾恩·弗雷为巴塞尔先入一球,不久之后亚历山大·弗雷点球在下一城之后,属于他的进球到来,巴塞尔逆转场上比分。Finally, the goals started coming, with Fabian Frei getting Basel's first in the 58th minute and Alexander Frei adding a late brace.

在21岁时,穆萨雷拉已经代表俱乐部出场,在乌拉圭国家队,他被誉为是法比安·卡里尼的接班人。At 21, he has already cemented a starting role for his club, and is touted as Fabian Carini's successor in the Uruguayan national team.