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各组间的血小板减少的发生率相似。Thrombocytopenia rates were similar between groups.

血小板减少症是动物最常见的出血性疾病之一。Thrombocytopenia is one of the most common bleeding disorders of animals.

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溶血尿毒综合症的特点是急性肾衰竭、溶血性贫血和血小板减少。HUS is characterized by acute renal failure, haemolytic anaemia and thrombocytopenia.

在住院五十六天时,发现有心跳过速,血小板过低及心脏扩大。On the 56th day of admission, tachycardia, thrombocytopenia and cardiomegaly were noted.

这些结果可能为化疗引发的血小板减少症的药物治疗增加新的选择。These results may increase new choice in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia.

研究人员还监测与抗凝血有关的任何出血或血小板减少。The researchers also monitored any bleeding or thrombocytopenia associated with the anti-coagulation.

如RUNX1、TP53、NRAS中的突变与重度血小板减少症及原始细胞比例相关。For example, mutations in RUNX1, TP53, and NRAS were associated with severe thrombocytopenia and blast percentage.

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而且,也应向常染色体显性血小板减少证患者提供遗传咨询和进行ANKRD26突变分析。Genetic counseling and ANKRD26 mutation analysis should be offered to patients with autosomal-dominant thrombocytopenia.

治疗开端时出现粒细胞递减或血小板递减,并不表明不适用长春花碱。The presence of granulocytopenia or thrombocytopenia at the start of treatment does not contraindicate vincristine therapy.

治疗开始时出现粒细胞减少或血小板减少,并不禁忌用长春新碱治疗。Thee presence of granulocytopenia or thrombocytopenia at the start of treatment does not contraindicate Vincristin therapy.

大量研究证明IL-11可用于治疗化疗或骨髓衰竭引起的血小板减少,甚至对粒、红两系也有不同程度的提升作用。A great lot of researches proved IL-11 can use to treat chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia arising from marrow hypoplasia.

此外还观察到血小板减少的微血管病性溶血性贫血事件。In addition, cases of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia with thrombocytopenia were observed. Tarceva is Pregnancy Category D.

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大多数肝硬化腹水的患者凝血酶原时间延长并有一定程度的血小板减少。The majority of patients with ascites due to cirrhosis have prolongation of the prothrombin time and some degree of thrombocytopenia.

妊娠期合并贫血、合并血液系统疾病和血小板减少可增加对母儿的不良影响。Gestation complicated anemia, hematological system disease and thrombocytopenia could increase the harmful effects on mother and fetus.

消耗、销毁或隔离导致血小板减少症和骨髓血小板的生成增加。Consumption, destruction, or sequestration of platelets causes thrombocytopenia associated with increased production by the bone marrow.

伴随着大量出血或弥漫性血管内凝血会发生血小板减少症,继发于多种疾病。Consumptive thrombocytopenia occurs with massive hemorrhage or with disseminated intravascular coagulation, secondary to a variety of diseases.

Neal博士说,有趣的是,和先前研究不同,当前的研究并没有显示年纪大和血小板减少症之间的联系。Interestingly, said Dr. Neal, contrary to some previous research, the current study did not show a link between older age and thrombocytopenia.

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该研究中,我们目标在厘清手术间变项,包括PVP、移植器官大小、以及LDLT术后血小板过低之间的关系。In this study, we aimed to clarify the relationship between perioperative variables, including PVP, graft size, and thrombocytopenia , after LDLT.

静息性的肝硬化可能在出现因门脉高压引起的充血性脾肿大导致的无症状的血小板减少症之后才被发现。Silent cirrhosis may be discovered after the finding of asymptomatic thrombocytopenia caused by the congestive splenomegaly of portal hypertension.

全身症状包括持续性全身淋巴结肿大、乏力、厌食、发热、体重减轻、夜间盗汗、血小板减少等。Systemic symptoms, including persistent generalized lymphadenopathy, fatigue, anorexia, fever, weight loss, night sweats, such as thrombocytopenia.