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后来…发展,她转向迷上了电吉他,灵感来自好友家伙。Latterly she turned to electric guitar, inspired by Buddy Guy.

后来居住在蒙特卡罗的牛顿一直工作不辍。Latterly based in Monte Carlo Newton went on working to the end.

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著名的印度律师,后被封为爵士,是作者二哥终身的朋友。Latterly Sir Tarak Palit, a life-long friend of the writer's second brother.

首先是当地居民搬离市中心,继而是商铺,近日各个企业也开始迁出。City centres were abandoned first by residents, then by shops, and latterly by businesses.

在成龙的职业生涯中,显示中文版的电影,后来是好莱坞,已跨越20年以上。Chan's career in Chinese-language films, and latterly Hollywood, has spanned more than 20 years.

他此后一生都活跃于协会中,后来还当上了副会长。He was to remain active in the association, latterly as vice president, for the rest of his life.

我们应当继续将之当作散文来看,尽管这种文体是在后世的解读中形成的。We should always regarded it as a prose although this style was formed latterly in the process of unscrambling.

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曼城用瓦赛尔和之后替补上场的米勒轮流冲击格雷米这一方,他们通过界外球和任意球的机会把球交给他们前锋线上的大个子。City had Vassell, or latterly substitute Miller, running at Gérémi and long throws and free-kicks with all their big men forward.

这份报告称2008年以前的债务增加主要来自发达国家,但是最近几年主要源自发展中国家。The Geneva Report noted that debtaccumulation was led by developed economies until 2008, but has latterly beenpropelled by developing economies.

作为民航产业的延伸,民航维修业受到的影响稍有滞后,但也会在2009年晚些时候进入严冬。The civil aviation aircraft maintenance industry, as the extend business, will be affected latterly in a short time and fall into deep winter by the end of 2009.

后来遇见折回给我们送车子的色友,而在之前凉风电话联系了乌托邦,让她丢下车子背包先走。Latterly we met Se You, he came back to give the bike to us, and Liang Feng had contacted Hong Se, told her put aside the bike, and went with her back pack ahead of us.

但是,我们现在必须说明的是,后来另外一部分居民开始对丁梅斯代尔先生和那神秘的老医生之间的关系持有异议了。But, it must now be said, another portion of the community had latterly begun to take its own view of the relation betwixt Mr. Dimmesdale and the mysterious old physician.

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可是,我们而今必需阐明的是,厥后别的一部份住民最先对丁梅斯代尔先生和那奥秘的老医生之间的关系持有贰言了。But- it must now be said- another portion of the community had latterly begun to take its own view of the relation betwixt Mr. Dimmesdale and the mysterious old physician.

以前的制服让人觉得像是前苏联民航总局的,前苏联民航、俄罗斯航空以及冰岛航空都希望避免客户与公司链接的可能性。The previous livery was reminiscent of that of Aeroflot, the carrier of the USSR and latterly Russia, and Icelandair wished to move away from any possibility of customers linking the airlines.

然后用有效劳动模型和人力资本外部性内生经济增长模型对中国经济增长的贡献进行实证研究。Latterly in this paper, some endogenous economics growth model that included effective Labor models and human capital externalities models were served as empirical tool for further empirical analysis.