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身体和情绪体的疗愈、回春Physical &Emotional Healing, Rejuvenation

敬祝这些长者们返老还童,永远年轻。Wish the elderly rejuvenation and youth forever.

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实现振兴中华的伟大理想。Realize the lofty ideal of national rejuvenation.

理由三,红酒木瓜靓汤嫩肤靓全身。Three reasons, red papaya soup rejuvenation pretty body.

重塑之议----中国哲学的复兴。Thought of Re-debate --- Rejuvenation of China's Philosophy.

辛格说,现在,两国正处于发展的关键时期,两国交流和合作的增进不仅有利于中印发张,而且推动了亚洲的振兴,促进世界和平与发展。rejuvenation of Asia and promote world peace and development.

活力宝珠的进阶物品处将不再显示精神之貌了。Rejuvenation Bead no longer lists as building into Spirit Visage.

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动物恢复疗法及动物水疗法是甚麽?What is Animal Rejuvenation Healing and Water Healing For Animals?

红酒番木瓜靓汤让你丰胸不久肉,美肤还嫩肤。Papaya soup red wine is not your breast flesh, skin rejuvenation yet.

经常用简单而有规律的恢复青春的方法去释放压力和担忧released stress and worry often with regular simple rejuvenation tips

刚竹属竹种开花枯败后,能通过有性或无性途径自然更新。Flowering bamboo groves can be renewed by sexual or asexual rejuvenation.

中面部年轻化手术一直是整个面部年轻化手术的重点、难点。Midface rejuvenation is always the center of the whole face rejuvenation.

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本产品包括视黄基棕榈促进肌肤持续生长。This product includes Retinyl Palmitate to promote continual rejuvenation.

为什么小鼠健壮返老还童是治愈人类老化的最快路线?Why is robust mouse rejuvenation the quickest route to curing human aging?

你的大脑将会在留心的沉思中找到安宁,并且将恢复活力。Your brain finds peace in mindful meditation, and that produces rejuvenation.

在国内,夷平面研究的“回春”是其一个主要的表现形式。In China, a main response is the rejuvenation of planation surface researches.

在梦中它常常被用来渲染梦者的生活要恢复活力的项目。in dreams it often colors items in need of rejuvenation in the dreamer's life.

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睡前补充的水分,会在上文提到的细胞修复过程中发挥作用。The water before bed will serve in the rejuvenation process we mentioned above.

外源赤霉素能影响某些竹种的有性更新过程。Vegetative rejuvenation of some bamboo species can be effected by exogenous GA3.

长期的饥饿和衰老可以导致胚胎发生能力的复壮。Prolonged starvation and aging might lead to rejuvenation of embryogenic potential.