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向我呈现出你美丽的影像。Presents thy shadow to my sightless view.

把你的倩影献给我失明的双眸。Presents thy shadow to my sightless view.

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雕像用一双盲眼俯视着他们。The statue stared down at them with sightless eyes.

臣仆是冥冥的黑夜,帝王是朗朗的白天。Poor grooms are sightless night, kings glorious day.

是一起医疗事故夺去了她的光明。As the result of a medical accident she was sightless.

对于应用程序加密的数据,同样也不可见。Add secret data to using a program, same sightless also.

当我长大以后,这只失明的眼睛在很多方面影响了我的生活。And as I grew, this sightless eye in so many ways controlled me.

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他将失明的双眼转向他们,低声打了个招呼。He turned his sightless eyes their way and boomed out a greeting.

我是阿卡拉,目盲之眼这个修女会的高等女教士。I am Akara, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye.

盲眼姊妹会具有一段悠久而高傲的历史。The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has a long and distinguished history.

『目盲之眼』修女会曾经有一段长久而闻名的历史。The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has a long and distinguished history.

阿卡拉和卡夏是目盲之眼修道会中的修女,但是她们所站的世界并不相同。Akara and Kashya are Sisters in the Order of the Sightless Eye, but they are worlds apart.

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她的头刚好与厨房的矮凳齐高,目光正对着鲳鱼已经没有焦距的瞳孔。Head barely as high as the low kitchen bench, Lizzie's own gaze met the fish's sightless one.

艾希曼现在已经从镇静剂中清醒过来,尽管戴着护目镜,但他能感觉到周围气氛的改变。Eichmann, awake now but sightless behind dark goggles, was aware of the shift in the atmosphere.

盲眼能够穿越时间的迷雾,预示未来的辉煌,但无法得知那是何时的景象。The Sightless Eye sees through the mist of time a great glory ahead, but how far ahead the Eye cannot discern.

雨水从屋顶奔流而下,漫出了排水槽,不停地泼洒在窗户上,完全挡住了我的视线。Water streams off roofs and out of rain spouts. It pounds against the window in such a steady wash that I am sightless.

虽然很多盲人都在某种程度上倾听回音,但专家表示班恩在黑暗世界里来去自如的本领实在非比寻常。While many blind people listen for echoes to some degree, Ben's ability to navigate in his sightless world is, say experts, extraordinary.

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雨水从屋顶奔流而下,漫出了排水管,不停地泼洒在窗户上,使我什么也看不清楚。眼前只有水。Water streams off roofs and out of rain spouts. It pounds against the window in such a steady wash that I am sightless. There is only water.

一开始,这个做法既让苏珊放心,也满足了马克的心愿——她可以保护到自己那连做点小事情都没信心的妻子。At first, this comforted Susan and fulfilled Mark's need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task.

起初,这样使苏珊感到很快了,同时也满足了马克的保护欲,保护他那对于失明后的一切都很没有安全感的爱妻。At first, this comforted Susan, and fulfilled Mark's need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task.