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使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。Cliche is a feature of bad journalism.

防止俗语、陈腔谰言和非正式用字。Avoid slang, cliche and informal words.

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老总在大会上讲的都是一些浮辞滥调。What the boss said at the meeting is a cliche.

早已是陈腔滥调。President Bling-Bling" has already become a cliche ."

体育是生活的隐喻,这句话似乎已是老生常谈。It is a cliché to say that sport is a metaphor for life.

好吧,是时候把这个滥用语扫到语言的垃圾箱了。OK, time to put this business cliche back in the box now.

当然,那现在是铅板和是在数十年。Of course, that's a cliche by now and has been for decades.

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所有人共赢的陈词滥调固然显得平淡,但是确实发生了。The cliché that everyone wins may be corny, but it's true here.

在爱尔兰共和军的情况中,这种陈腐的想法很大程度上是正确的。In the case of the IRA, the cliché turned out to be largely true.

优秀的设计师能够玩弄一下老套,直到它发出了隐喻的愉快声响。A good designer can stroke a cliche until it purrs like a metaphor.

我曾经是个生食主义者,现在听起来很俗气。I mean, I was a raw foodist, which now sounds terribly cliche again.

遗憾的是,古语说的好“久违情疏”。Unfortunately, the old cliche is often true, “Out of sight, out of mind.”

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好吧,老是怀疑政府到底能为公众干点什么已经是件很无趣的事了。It’s become a cliché to be skeptical of what government can do for society.

老观念认为“好男人都是有主的、永久单身汉或是同性恋。”It's a cliché that "the good men are all taken, permanent bachelors or gay."

真正的创新思想家是不会说出这句陈词滥调的。The thing about true out-of-the-box thinkers is they d never use this cliche.

空暇界定美国现代风格,他的一生作了主义陈词滥调。His spare style defined American modernism, and his life made machismo a cliché.

这是一个管理学上的陈词滥调了,一个好的老板应懂得如何倾听。It is a hoary cliché of management schools that a good boss knows how to listen.

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我们知道把安娜放在“性感”名单第一位慢慢成为陈词滥调了。We know that placing Ana Kournikova on top of a “hot” list is becoming a cliché.

这是旅游书上陈词滥调的绿松石们照片,不过我挺喜欢。This is the cliché travel-book photo of a turquoise door. I kinda like it though.

作家,评论家和普通读者不加思考地接受了这种陈词滥调。Writers, critics, and the general reading public unthinkingly accept this clichè.