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我不允许,你不能擅自拿我的钢笔用!Don't scrounge my pen without my allowance!

我花了一个月的时间才攒了足够的钱。It took me a month to scrounge up enough money.

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我的白纸用完了,能不能替我弄一些来。See if you can scrounge up a few sheets for me.

我设法弄来点材料搭个棚子。I managed to scrounge the materials to build a shed.

政府没有给他们钱,他们只能去要饭。The government did not give them money, forcing them to scrounge for food.

我带不了那么多物品。你可以捡回我丢在地上的东西。I will carry no more. You may scrounge what I have dropped upon the ground.

她无力工作,我们有一度甚至在垃圾箱里找吃的。She couldn't hold a job. We'd been forced to scrounge for food in dumpsters.

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她已经工作了,可是还去父母家蹭饭吃。She has a job now, but still goes back to her parents' house to scrounge food.

接着马克告诉我更多关于他的事。It was Mark who told me more about him. He had gone over to scrounge a cigarette.

少数已迁移的居民被允许进入,到废墟中搜寻他们的财物。A handful of displaced residents were allowed in to scrounge through rubble for their belongings.

如果为开公司你连几百美元都筹集不到,说明你压根就不想创业。If you can’t scrounge up a few hundred dollars to start a business then you really don’t want to start a business.

如果没有剩饭,我就找一些可利用的来吃的,很快就做好了And if there are absolutely NO leftovers, I scrounge for whatever’s available and eat it, or whip up something quick.

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我有一些备用衣服,一条毛毯,一条被单,你们可以暂时用一下,我去找一些衣服来。I have a change of clothes, a blanket, and a sheet that three of you can use until I can scrounge up some real clothes.

晚上去喊嗓子,我带着一个小篮拾煤核,为了回家取暖。Each morning when I went out to practise singing in the open air, I took a little basket to scrounge for cinders for our stove.

当然你可以四处搜寻访客,访客也因此得到增加,但是由此不会形成直接的访问流量,也不会形成固定的访客群。Sure, you can likely scrounge together some visits and show some growth but you won't build direct traffic or a direct audience through it.

许,你会从一堆衣服里找一件不算太皱的衬衫,刚好在早晨八点钟敲响时,屁股坐到位子上。Maybe you scrounge through the hamper to find a shirt that's not too wrinkled and you slide into your chair just as the clock strikes eight.

也许,你会从一堆衣服里找一件不算太皱的衬衫,刚好在早晨八点钟敲响时,屁股坐到位子上。Maybe you scrounge through the hamper to find a shirt that's not too wrinkled and you slide into your chair just as the clock strikes eight.

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再后来,我转到全职的大学岗位,在学生的帮助下,我终于能够找到一些设备来记录我们的面谈。Then came my transition to a full-time university position where, with the help of students, I was at last able to scrounge equipment for recording our interviews.

这位年青创业者创办公司的时候,曾从亲戚朋友开的小商小铺那里搜寻来旧桌子、旧椅子之类的办公家具。When he started his company the young entrepreneur used to scrounge for office furniture such as old desks and chairs from small businesses owned by his relatives and friends.

与在塔尔沙漠的生活步伐相比,这是一个不错的变化。在塔尔,火热热的气候和缺乏足够的水分使得生存成为一个挑战,猴子们必须搜寻植物和偶然出现的昆虫为食。That's a nice change of pace from life in the Thar, where sizzling heat and scant moisture make survival a challenge, and the monkeys must scrounge for plants and occasional insects to eat.