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关于发展方面,永旺拥有强大的管道。On the development front, Aeon has a robust pipeline.

如此,一个新的,低熵的宇宙便可能产生。At this point, a new aeon with a low entropy state will begin.

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它将通过另一家子公司,北京永旺公司来执行。It will do so through yet another subsidiary, Beijing Aeon Co.

永旺还计划加大其在中国购物中心的开发计划。Aeon also plans to ramp up its shopping center development program in China.

与「这世代的辩者」之间有著密切的关系。The "wisdom of this world" is closely associated with the disputant of this aeon.

凭肉体说谎话的人,与这世代的辩者是一致的。The person who lies according to the flesh is consistent with the disputant of this aeon.

从销售额和营运分店的数量上看,永旺是日本最大的零售商。Aeon is Japans largest retailer by sales and operates a large number of banners through subsidiaries.

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斯佳丽可弄不清千古是什么意思,但他声音确实娓娓动听,所以也没说什么。Scarlet was not sure what an aeon was, but there was no mistaking the baiting quality of his voice, so she said nothing.

英尺高,黄白相间的机器人,现在它已正式登陆位于日本南部的福冈市。Japanese retailer Aeon Co. has introduced a four-foot-seven tall, yellow-and-white robot at a store in the southern city of Fukuoka.

永旺购物中心由日本上市零售集团永旺开发经营,该集团在中国因拥有吉之岛品牌而为消费者知晓。Aeon Mall is developed and operated by a listed Japanese retailing tycoon, who is widely known in China as the owner of the Jusco brand.

质量是企业的商务实用防水从永旺西装。本网站演示如何适应不同的反应,一意外。Biz Quality is the water resistant utility business suit from Aeon. This site demonstrates how the suit reacts to a number of different accidents.

科学家认为,黑洞碰撞产生的圆环可能发生在我们这“世代”之前一个“世代”的晚期。The black hole encounters that caused the circles likely occurred within the later stages of the aeon right before ours, according to the scientists.

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随着先进的大气生物学和空气动力学的发展,水上飞机将会流行并且人们会研究宇宙永世的神秘。With the development of advanced aerobiology and aerodynamics , the aeroboat would be popular and people would research the mystery of the space's aeon.

一路上,我没见到MUJI门店,最后一天在去成田机场的路上,在成田市AEON永旺百货发现一家MUJI门店。During my visit in Japan I haven't seen any MUJI shops until the last day on the way to Narita Airport, and I find a MUJI shop in AEON Store in Narita City.

由于拍摄成本过于高昂,这部电影在商业上注定是失败的,但至少导演敢起用一位天后级的女演员出演动作片,这种胆识值得肯定。Plagued by on-set accidents, Aeon Flux fizzled commercially, but at least the filmmakers took a stab at casting an A-list actress smack in the middle of the action.

相应地,那个前宇宙诞生于更早的前宇宙终结时所引发的大爆炸,如此往复,建立了一个没有开始和终结的潜在的无限循环。That aeon in turn was born in a Big Bang that emerged from the end of a still earlier aeon, and so on, creating a potentially infinite cycle with no beginning and no end.

不论你是否信任,我素来没有这样刻苦学习过,甚至七年前筹备加入高考也不这样耐劳过。Believe it or not, I had never ever been belief so hard afore, even incluadvise the aeon when I was advancing for the assay of access to university in China seven years ago.

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项目地块位于济宁市任城新区金宇路以北,小府河以东,琵琶山路以西。Project lot is located north of Jinyu Road Rencheng New District, east of Xiaofu River, west of Aeon store on Pipashan Road and south of Land Bureau dorm with numerous commercial entities.