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他为了携带方便将盒子捆绑。He corded the boxes for easy handling.

在包括无线和有线来这些手机的样式。These phones come in both cordless and corded styles.

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在家或工作时使用常规有绳电话。Use a regular, corded telephone when at home or at work.

该二点○英尺-磅的冲击能量,提供有线的权力,脐带血。The 2.0 ft-lbs impact energy provides corded power without the cord.

如果您听见雷声,不要使用除了在紧急状态下的一个被捆绑的电话。If you hear thunder, don't use a corded phone except in an emergency.

我老公的胳膊也不赖,毛茸茸的,咖啡色,而且也有紧绷绷的肌肉。Which are also nicely hairy and brown and have those good corded muscles.

在150英尺的范围远远超出身高6英尺范围内的大多数有线设备。The 150-foot range extends well beyond 6-foot range of most corded devices.

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我们在这所看到的并不等于传统的有线窑文化规范。What we see here does not add up to traditional Corded Ware cultural norms.

混合激光剪裁,怀旧技术和精纱塑造立体效果。Combinations of laser cutting, vintage techniques & fine yarns in corded effects.

在此有绳模式中,子机的电池向母机提供辅助电源。In this corded mode, the battery of the handset provides auxiliary power to the base unit.

而固定电话则可以通过布置分机在各个房间中使用。By contrast, landline phone service can be used via either cordless or corded extension phones.

他里面穿着一件有些褪色的格子衬衫,袖子卷起,露出他满是青筋的小臂。Underneath the jacket, he wore a faded chambray shirt with the sleeves rolled to reveal his corded forearms.

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匈牙利牧羊犬是一种非常珍稀的匈牙利血统狗狗,它酷似大衣的毛像极了'骇人'长发绺。The Komondor is a Hungarian breed of dog that has a very distinctive, corded coat that closely resembles dreadlocks.

所需要做的一切就是你释放以太体被危害部位内沉重的连线绳索。All that is required is that one release the attachment corded heavily into the compromised region of the etheric body.

陶片主要为夹砂红褐陶和夹砂灰陶,部分红褐陶上施加细绳纹。Pottery mostlyincludes reddish-brown and grey coarse potteries and thin corded pattern were decorated on part of reddish-brown sherds.

她腰间系一条有大流苏的腰带,脚上穿一双石榴红小拖鞋,还有一束宽带子摊开在脚背上。Her belt was a corded girdle with great tassels, and her small garnet coloured slippers had a large knot of ribbon that fell over her instep.

因为成名使一个人突然间变成“名人”,并突然间被成千上万突然认识这个人或这个人天赋的人所连线与束缚。Fame causes one who becomes famous to suddenly be corded by thousands to millions of others who suddenly know of oneself or one's gifts and talents.

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绳纹器文化得名于该时期器皿上时常出现的装饰性绳纹,这种文化一度覆盖北欧、中欧和东欧的大部分地区。The Corded Ware culture takes its name from the frequent use of decorative cord impressions found its pots and covered much of North, Central and Eastern Europe.

通过分析,研究葛类丝织物的组织结构和外观特征,提出横凸条效应的设计方法。This paper presents the design way of horizontal corded fabric through analysis and investigation on the structures and appearance features of grosgrain silk textile.

碳十四年代测定法显示,这个家庭生活在公元前2600年的绳纹器文化时期。Radiocarbon dating showed the family lived around 2600 B.C. and belonged to the Corded Ware culture, named for the distinctive twisted impressions that decorated artifacts of the time.