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档案从业人员出现职业倦怠。The archival jobholders appears to be tired.

我一直在对我的家庭史作一些档案性研究。I've been doing some archival research on my family history.

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“口述历史”超越了现阶段我国档案工作的边界了吗?。Does "Oral History" Overstep Bounds of Archival Work of Our Present Stage?

档案馆具有对本部门档案业务的行政管理职能。The Archives assumes the administrative functions over its own archival work.

当然喽,务必要记得备份你的数码照片,并烧录到DVD上保存起来。Be sure, of course, to burn backup copies of your digital photos onto archival DVDs.

通常,大部分此类努力都被后来针对存档档案所作的研究推翻。As often as not, large portions of such efforts are later contradicted by archival research.

同时对来自亲自观察和档案统计记录的资料进行分析。Data from personal observations and from archival and statistical records were also analysed.

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片头中一系列泳装剪影图片也是Jantzen以往的款式。Some of the swimsuit silhouettes in the opening credit sequence are also from archival images.

商业特许经营的备案工作实行全国联网。The national network shall be employed for archival filing work relating to commercial franchise.

档案案卷质量的优劣关系到档案工作整体质量和提供利用价值。File the quality files related to the overall quality of archival work and the provision of value.

为什么不在地图搜索中加入基于LBS的地点注释,小提示等信息呢?Why not annotate map search with live and archival location check-in notes, annotations, tips, etc?

档案学并不定义“一份文件”,而是“文件群”,因为它只与整体有关。Archival science does not define "a record", but "records", because it only deals with aggregations.

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同样,首页空白处的所有广告和档案连接都不好用。Also, nothing in the way of ads or archival links show up in the right-hand margin of the front page.

民族档案研究是档案学领域中一门新兴的分支学科。The study on ethnic archives is a new and developing sub-discipline in the field of Archival Science.

新闻弗里达安尼尼,包括评论和档案上发表的文章在新的纽约时报。News about Frida Giannini, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

一份结转进口报关单对应一份结转出口备案清单。One carry over import customs declaration shall correspond to one archival export carry over checklist.

历史文献大部分存放于九龙观塘的香港历史档案大楼。The bulk of the archival holding is held at the Hong Kong Public Records Building in Kwun Tong, Kowloon.

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档案工作是一项记录历史、传承文明、服务社会的重要工作。Archival management is an important job of recording history, bearing civilization and servicing society.

对其基本理论问题的探讨,是研究档案学的逻辑起点。Discussion of its basic theoretical question, it is a logic starting point of studying archival seicence.

如果你打算使用一些照片或者资料影片,你打算把它们如何组织到你的叙事当中?If you are relying on still photographs or archival footage, how will you integrate them into the narrative?