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你吃包子吗?You like bun?

刘教授吃不吃馒头?。Liu eat steamed bun not?

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她把头发梳成一个发髻。She wore her hair in a bun.

她把头发挽成了一个髻。She wears her hair in a bun.

你的圆面包要烤过吗?。Do you want your bun toasted?

把头发盘成发髻怎么样?。How about hair done in a bun?

我喜欢头发盘成一个小圆髻。I'd like my hair do in a bun.

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我希望把头发盘成一个小圆髻。I'd like my hair done in a bun.

我喜欢头发盘成一个小圆髻。I 'd like my hair done in a bun.

沈檀半爇髻堆鸦。Shen Tan bun half burn pile crow.

这是扬州有名的五丁包子。This is the famous five dice bun.

你有蒸发小面包和鞋子吗?Do you have steamed bun and shoes?

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我要一个一英尺的白面包。I want a foot-long white bread bun.

莫尼把头发挽成一圆髻。Money caught up her hair into a bun.

这个圆面包里有些葡萄干。There are some currants in this bun.

刘教授吃不吃馒头?。Does Professor Liu eat steamed bun not?

可以装法兰克福香肠的长条面包。A long bun shaped to hold a frankfurter.

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她乌黑的头发盘成一个紧紧的髻。Her black hair was drawn into a tight bun.

这个两岁的小女孩往馒头上涂了许多果酱。The two -year-old girl slapped jam onthe bun.

看看他的头发,结的是个简单的髻。Look at her hair. It’s tied up in a simple bun.