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别在我面前耍花招。Don't play booty with me.

每位海盗所得的战利品的份额是经过同意的The share of each pirates booty was agreed on.

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藏宝全力以赴,用舌头舔了她的嘴,从这里到墨西哥。Booty all out, tongue out her mouth, cleavage from here to Mexico.

联盟从藏宝海湾到暴风城的飞行路线会穿越一棵树。Alliance flight path between Booty Bay and Stormwind goes through a tree.

事后知道是赃物还继续收藏的属于窝赃。Knowing it is booty and continuing to collect belongs to sheltering booty.

今天,海盗仍然在公海为害四方,他们为了钱财而抢劫杀人。Pirates still sail the high seas today raiding and killing for money and booty.

造反的东吁亲王与阿拉干的国王分享战利品。The war booty was shared between a rebellious prince of Toungio and the king of Arakan.

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在战利品中我们得到女俘并且我们常常以体外射精的方式奸污她们。We got female captives in the war booty and we used to do coitus interruptus with them.

那位上身赤裸的粉丝扭腰摆臀、将熊猫玩偶抛向空中,并不时挥舞着他的战利品。The bare-chested fan gyrates his hips, throws the panda into the air and shakes his booty.

呼啦圈的战利品凸点伎俩涉及弯腰和得到垂直旋转箍。The booty bump hula hoop trick involves bending over and getting the hoop to spin vertically.

他们的军队侵入占婆,占领其首都,再次运走大量的战利品。Their armies invaded Champa, took its capital, and again carried away a vast amount of booty.

这是一位朝鲜朋友的抗美战利品,作为礼物送给我的。我无功受禄,就拒绝。I was given as a gift from a Korean friend who had gotten it as a booty from the Anti-America War.

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这个盗贼59岁,经常混入首尔的丧家或医院行窃,并穿走“战利品”。The 59-year-old thief literally walked off with his booty from funeral homes and hospitals across Seoul.

他们用旌旗灯号灯诱使船只朝尖如锯齿的岩石上猛撞,谁也不知道他们从出事的船上搬走了几何财物。No one knows how much booty they removed from ships lured by their lanterns to smash on the jagged rocks.

在另一面,是胜利队伍的另一部分,分发从耶路撒冷圣殿掠夺的战利品。On the other, another part of the triumphal procession carries the booty off from the Temple of Jerusalem.

我希望有一天,法兰西能够脱胎换骨,洗心革面,将这不义之财归还给被抢掠的中国。I hope that a day will come when France, delivered and cleansed, will return this booty to despoiled China.

这对爱人引起了贪婪的刚的注意,为了寻找并不存在的宝藏他袭击了他们。The lovers attract the attentions of a rapacious gang, who descend on them, searching for non-existent booty.

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但是,哥萨克们在缴获战利品和俘虏之后,就没法使他们向前推进,没有一个人听从命令。But there was no making the Cossacks budge when they had got booty and prisoners. No one heeded the word of command.

到达之后,在藏宝海湾的银行和拍卖行屋顶寻找惊骇号船长狄米撒和她的伙伴们。There, look for Dread Captain Demeza and her crew, who have taken over the roof of the Booty Bay bank and auction house.

他捕获了几支大型的船支,然后将战利品转移到当他是海盗船长时指挥的那条船上去。He captured several large treasure ships and then loaded his booty onto the ship that he captained when he was a privateer.