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罗礼士能够关上一扇旋转门。Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

我们拥有两个循环贷款合约。We have two revolving credit agreements.

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这就是所谓的旋转门的问题。That's the so-called revolving door issue.

悲伤,总是围绕着寂寞旳乆。Sad, is always revolving the lonely person.

高级旋把机柜门锁。High-class cabinet door lock with revolving handle.

在旋转门面对面的那一刹。Perhaps in a revolving door ever being face to face.

新型显像管有旋转800线圈的功能。The new kinescope has a revolving power of 800 lines.

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用燧石和旋转轮的废弃的手枪。An obsolete gunlock using flint and a revolving wheel.

旋转推铅是推铅球的方法之一。Revolving pushing is one of the methods of pushing shot.

坦克装置一个可旋转式炮塔并拥有良好的装甲。Tanks are well-armored vehicles with a revolving turret.

玥生意周转不灵,一教荣工作赚钱助玥。Business revolving he work to earn a teach honor he grants.

地球是一个球体,它日夜在旋转。The earth is round, and every day and night it is revolving.

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旋转的标志牌在风中打著旋儿。The revolving sign was spinning round and round in the wind.

其余的资金则来自摩根大通的循环信贷。The rest is coming from a J.P. Morgan revolving credit facility.

在那里,我感受了五维的广度与旋转性。Over there, I have felt the vast and revolving of five dimension.

逆时针方向旋转锁紧螺母5,使其退到适当位置。Revolving the lock nut 5 anti-clockwise to the suitable position.

接收面上光斑的长短轴、中心、面积都是轴角的函数。The reflective surface is a cylinder revolving around eccentric axis.

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滚筒筛一种圆筒形的可旋转的筛,用于岩石和矿石的筛分或大小测量。A revolving cylindrical sieve used for screening or sizing rock and ore.

它是蔚蓝色的,一小半暗的黑暗里,旋转的星球。It is the sky -blue , in a less than half dark darkness, revolving star.

华盛顿与华尔街之间的旋转门亦需被堵住。The revolving door between Washington and Wall Street needs to be jammed.