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是用釉面砖铺就的。It is glazed brick.

她目光呆滞。Her eyes are glazed.

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他给窗户装了玻璃。He glazed the windows.

她看起来目光呆滞。She has a glazed -eye look.

工人给瓷器上釉。The worker glazed the china.

他的眼睛因痛苦而变得钝滞。His eyes were glazed in pain.

这坭兴陶是不上釉的。Nixing pottery is never glazed.

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瓦罐里面挂了一层釉子。The earthen pot is glazed inside.

瓦盆里面挂一层釉子。The earthen pot is glazed inside.

所有的客房都配有双层玻璃窗。All rooms have double- glazed windows.

有光漆不好也是一个原因。Glazed lacquer is bad also be a reason.

最近我们给房子装了双层玻璃窗。We recently had our house double- glazed.

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他的呼吸停止,眼神呆滞。He’s not breathing and his eyes are glazed.

这是进入这道门釉面砖的。It is entered through the Gate of glazed Tiles.

玉宇琼楼间,琉璃瓦下挂起了雨帘。Magnificent houses, glazed tile hung a curtain.

白陶和上釉的陶器也被制造出来了。White pottery and glazed pottery were produced.

双层玻璃窗可在冬季保持室内温度。Double glazed windows keep in heat during winter.

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烤火鸡、丁香火腿、阿拉斯加雪蟹腿等。Roasted Turkey, Honey Glazed Ham, Alaska Crab Leg and.

胎体坚质但较粗,釉色白中微闪青。The padding is firm but ruder , green glazed with white.

雪后的山谷幻化成一个奇特的琉璃世界。The snow changed the valley into a strange glazed world.