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事物可以分有它们Things can partake of them.

它们美的程度不一样They partake of beauty to varying degrees.

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我有很多朋友获得了这里的奖学金,所以A lot of my friends partake in them and so,

她喜出望外,急急忙忙唤女儿们来分享她这种愉快。Her daughters were eagerly called to partake of her joy.

不去批判它,因为所有物种都参与了这个模式。Judge it not, for all species partake in this patterning.

外泌体同时参与促肿瘤和抗肿瘤两种功能。Exosomes can partake in both pro- and anti-tumor functions.

本公司拒绝承做虚假广告。We refuse to partake in the production of illusive advertisements.

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所有这些都是孩子喜爱享受的简单的快乐。All of these are simple pleasures that children love to partake in.

而且你还有完美的借口去观察人们。You'll also have a perfect excuse to partake in some people-watching.

辛勤耕作的农夫应该首先享受所收成的。The husbandmen that laboreth must be the first to partake of the fruits.

我们怎能一边在主的杯中有份,一边也喝撒但的杯?How can we partake of the cup of the Lord and yet drink the cup of Belial?

如果想得到生命,他们在吃饼的时候他们一定要有耶稣住在他们里面。As they partook of bread so they must partake of him if we are to have life.

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参加这样一个伟大的、有历史意义的运动的机会真是千载难逢。The chance to partake in such a great historic movement doesn't come every day.

马尔蒂尼,卡福和卡拉泽没有参加下午的训练。Paolo Maldini, Marcos Cafus and Kakha Kaladze didn't partake in the afternoon session.

不过,在这座小小的巴别塔里,她们还是找到了参与诗歌班的办法。In this little Babel, however, they have found a way to partake in the poetry workshop.

的确,正是长颈鹿与鹿为所有物种编织了这一新梦想。Indeed it was giraffe and deer that have woven the new dreamtime for all to partake in.

如同自然世界的新陈代谢,人类也有一种,有机的代谢与持续。There's a kind of organic continuity that men partake of just as the natural world does.

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它是以不同程度参与到,经验世界中的各种事物It's something that things in the empirical world can participate in or partake of to varying degrees.

曾经他一呼百诺,党内异议者痛遭围剿,想分享权利与利益者钻营不已。Those hoping to share power and partake in the spoils curried his favor. Now he has fallen from grace.

为了找到答案,研究者找到24名18-50岁不运动的人,进行两个月的实验。To find out, these researchers found 24 non-exercises between 18 and 50 to partake in a 2-month study.