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他们急忙进行了这项工作。They rushed the work.

那头公牛向我冲过来。The bull rushed at me.

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他快步跑进房间。He rushed into the room.

我听后赶紧去看莉莉安。I rushed to see Lillian.

孩子们冲了出去。Out rushed the children.

话一起涌到他的嘴边。Words rushed to his lips.

他冲我招招手。He rushed me recruit waved.

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大卫跑到了萨奥的帐篷。David rushed to Saul's tent.

女孩再次向蓝眼王妃扑过去。The girl rushed at her again.

可是纳西莎已经往前冲去。But Narcissa had rushed ahead.

但是他们并不用这么着急。But they need not have rushed.

我们把他急忙送往医院。We rushed him to the hospital.

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豪厄尔像水槽冲去。Howell rushed over to the sink.

她凶猛地向他扑来。She rushed fiercely toward him.

他只不过走马看花地看完了这本书。He just rushed through the book.

我跑过去问怎么了。I rushed over to ask what wasup.

这项手术不能仓促完成。The operation couldn't be rushed.

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生活在你追我赶的节奏里。We are living in a rushed rhythm.

营救人员赶往雪崩地点。Rescue workers rushed to the site.

所以大家争先恐后去买房So, they rushed and bought houses.