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请给我一张临时的收据。Please give me an interim receipt.

任这凄凉的间歇像浩瀚的海洋Let this sad interim like the ocean be

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临时政府并非没有过错。The interim government is not blameless.

最好的临时经理人就能够发挥这样的作用。This is what the best interim managers can do.

向已部署的虚拟系统应用临时补丁。Applying interim fixes to deployed virtual systems.

吉临时政府欲引渡流亡总统巴基耶夫。Kyrgyz interim gov't orders extradition of Bakiyev.

使用临时补丁和补丁包扩展虚拟映像Extending virtual images with interim fixes and fixpacks

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“会有临时的数据,大概”伍德科克。"There would be interim data probably, " Woodcock added.

这是临时委员会的半年度会议。This is the half-yearly meeting of the interim committee.

家庭旅馆,日租房,短期租房,酒店式公寓。Family hotel, Holiday Inn, Interim home, Serviced apartment.

辞退巴茨之后,雅虎董事会任命首席财务官蒂姆•莫尔斯暂代CEO一职。In firing Bartz, the board named CFO Tim Morse as interim chief.

暂行条例在全中国统一实施。The Interim Regulations were uniformly implemented throughout China.

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对于中小卖家来说,或许这次的暂行办法并没有想象中的可怕。For small sellers, perhaps the Interim Measures were not as terrible.

第22至42页之附注构成本中期财务报告的一部份。The notes on pages 22 to 42 form part of this interim financial report.

太阳队解雇了主教练特里波特并且扶正了阿尔文士绅为临时主教练。The Suns fired Coach Terry Porter and made Alvin Gentry the interim coach.

这次试射于2010年12月3日进行,地点是奥里萨邦的临时测试靶场。This was test-fired on 3 December 2010 at the Interim Test Range in Orissa.

目前看来,汽车普及率已达到了一个临时饱和水平。It appears the auto penetration rate has reached an interim saturation level.

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应用更新包、补丁包和临时包都属于升级。Applying refresh packs, fix packs, and interim fixes are examples of an upgrade.

但是需要时间,在过渡期它们只能自己制定计划应对干旱期。But it will take time, and in the interim they are making plans for a dry spell.

如果我们在这个过渡时期谨慎地思考,我们可以避开它。If we had thought carefully over the interim period, we could have avoided this.