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ZEE阿维次两件乐器,吉他和夏威夷四弦琴。Zee Avi plays two instruments, the guitar and the ukulele.

阿维曾经到过训练场一个星期,他是一个好人。Avi had been over for a week at the training ground and is a lovely man.

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具有透明颜色的影像会根据图形档案格式的不同,而以不同的方式储存。I would like to set the transparent color for an avi Playback in DirectX.

塔米尔是深受全队爱戴的,同时我们也在想念着阿维,为他祈祷着。Tamir is well-liked by the whole group and Avi is in our thoughts and prayers.

它支持超过131种语言和显示多达32种语言在同一时间。AVI . It support more than 131 languages and display up to 32 languages at same time.

花色苷液泡包涵体的存在可增加液泡色彩的强度并导致“蓝化”。The emergence of AVI can enhance color intensity and results in the "blueness" of color in the vacuole.

导演山姆·雷米,托贝·马奎尔,制片艾微·艾德和联合制片格兰特·柯蒂斯的评论音轨。Audio Commentary with director Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire, producer Avi Arad and co-producer Grant Curtis.

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这款小巧的程序,提供了无限的数字视频处理能力。Regardless of small executable size, this avi editor offers you unlimited power of digital video processing.

车辆识别需要最大限度地利用车辆的信息对道路上的车辆进行确认。In order to identify the vehicles on the road, AVI requires to make furthest use of the vehicles'information.

本文针对自动视觉检测系统中的实时图像处理算法和系统集成设计进行探讨。The works in this dissertation are focused on the research of image processing method in AVI and the AVI system integration.

而从包含汽车牌照的图像中准确、迅速地分割出牌照区域是实现车牌自动识别的一个关键步骤。Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition System is one kind of AVI technology , and License Plate localization is a key step in LPRS.

除了发出威胁外,MEND上月声称杀害12名警官,还引起大规模石油泄漏事件。我是阿维·阿迪提。In addition to the threat, MEND last month claimed responsibility for killing 12 police officers and causing a huge oil spill. I'm Avi Arditti.

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后续章节详细介绍了单相及三相航空静止变流器数学模型和仿真模型的建立过程并分别给出了仿真结果及分析。The establishment to mathematical and simulation model of the single phase and three phase AVI is particularly presented in the following chapter.

博尔顿球星约翰埃尔曼德,向红军冠军队员阿维科恩送上个人祝福,后者在一起严重的摩托车事故后,现在还留在医院里。Bolton star Johan Elmander gave a personal tribute to former Liverpool title winner Avi Cohen who is in hospital following a serious motorcycle accident.

该版自带10万的大词库版,还提供用户DIY组合输入法码表功能,每种输入法窗口都可个性化换肤。The version of the onboard 100,000 thesaurus version also provides users DIY portfolio input method stopwatch, each input method windows can be personalized AVI.

以色列军方发言人贝纳雅胡表示,这"只是个开始",哈马斯只有停止向以色列发射导弹,以军才会撤军。The Israel Defense Forces spokesman Avi Benayahu said the offensive was just the beginning and it would continue until Gazan militants stop firing artillery at Israel.

本组织亦聘用专家前往非教学领域开展工作,比如目前就有志愿者在能力建设、健康、农村开发等领域开展工作。AVI also recruits experts to work in non-teaching areas, eg current volunteers are working in the field of capacity building, health, rural development and the environment.

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以色列海法大学脑部研究专家卡尼针开展的一项最新研究探讨了白天小睡有助于巩固长期记忆的可能性问题。New research conducted by brain researcher Avi Karni of the University of Haifa in Israel explores the possibility that naps help lock in sometimes fleeting long-term memories.

这些标准大部分基于共同核心,但是同时也以现存的加利福尼亚标准为基准。These are based largely on the common core, but also existing California standards. And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Avi Arditti. I'm Bob Doughty.

美国不准备向医院照顾病人,将洪水急诊室说,在耶路撒冷的哈达萨医学中心博士阿维Rivkind首席休克创伤单位。S. hospitals are not prepared to care for the patients that would flood emergency rooms, says the chief of the shock trauma unit at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Dr. Avi Rivkind.