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他潇洒地向她一鞠躬。He swept her a bow.

他把灰尘扫走了。He swept the dust away.

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她走过时对他行了一个屈膝礼。She swept him a curtsy.

她大模大样的走出了房间。She swept out the room.

她把脏土扫了出去。She swept the dirt out.

她走过时对他匆匆行一屈膝礼。She swept him a curtsey.

他以压倒优势当选。He swept in the election.

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一丝快意掠过了他的心头。A happiness swept over him.

他很快就打消了那个念头。He soon swept the idea away.

一阵乱响的嗡嗡声,以扫荡之势冲入街心。A loud buzz swept into street.

我把碎玻璃扫走。I swept away the broken glass.

我们已把垃圾扫走了。We have swept off the rubbish.

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一股巨浪从甲板上卷了过去。A huge wave swept over the deck.

一个大浪把小船卷走了。A huge wave swept the boat away.

她的裙裾拖曳在地板上。Her dress swept along the floor.

这消息在公司中不胫而走。The news swept through the firm.

你得把你个人的想法搁到一边。Your ideas would be swept aside.

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这位法官昂然走进法庭。The judge swept in the courtroom.

他将垃圾扫出了他的房间。He swept the dirt out of his room.

探照灯扫过天空。Searchlights swept across the sky.