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我不能高兴的太早。I must not exult too soon.

啊,海岸欢呼,啊,钟声敲响!Exult O shores, and ring O bells!

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静静地享受安全的欢腾。Quietly I will enjoy peaceful exult rejoice.

奴隶制被废除了,人们无不为之欢欣鼓舞。Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery.

在被自己在比赛中击败的对手面前欢跃是不好的。It's unkind to exult over a person one has beaten in a race.

永远不要对你的竞争对手说谎,也不要对你的敌人幸灾乐祸。Never lie about your competitors, and never exult in your rival's bad news.

虽然现在看不见他,却信他,你们就有无法形容、满有荣耀的大喜乐。In whom not yet seeing, but believing in Him you exult with unspeakable joy, and having been glorified.

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当双子队在赛场上庆祝胜利的那一刻,他也跳起来,想和他周围的同学同庆。When the Twins' victory celebration erupted on the field, he jumped up to exult with his fellow students around him.

我们知道你有自信保持独立并为能够自由设立自己的日程而欢欣鼓舞。Know you have the confidence to be independent and exult in the freedom that comes from being able to set your own agenda.

一个明智的人知道如何权衡事情,他不会为了不幸而沮丧不振,也不会为了突如其来的好运而忘乎所以。A judicious person weighs facts carefully, he would not feel dejected for bad news and exult over unpredictable auspicious.

喜欢古朴天然的人们在这富有超凡吸引力的野性的自然中获得喜悦,每天的韵律就融合在太阳闪动的弧光和船桨的浸蘸拨水中。Purists exult in the transcendent attractions of nature untamed , of daily rhythms keyed to the sun ' s arc and the paddle ' s dip.

我们为此而争吵扭打,政客们为维持这种分裂的权力而狂喜,从不把这个世界看作一个整体。And for itwefightand wrangle, and thepoliticians exult in theirpowertomaintain this division, never looking at the world as a whole.

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我们一直以来总是定期地在给股东的信里面花上几页的篇幅来质疑大多数经理人所进行的并购活动,但现在这些质疑会显得怪怪地,因为我们自己这一年才刚发神经完成三件并购案。It may seem strange that we exult over a year in which we made three acquisitions, given that we have regularly used these pages to question the acquisition activities of most managers.

然而,感到与别人有差异不可能让人喜笑颜开,对青少年尤其如此,于是总想与别人建立关系,希望得到认可,寻求任何有助于摆脱格格不入状态的良策。But the sense of difference, especially when one is young, does not exult in itself. It looks for connections, corroborations, anything that will cut against the feeling of being separate.