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这是繁殖力的象征。That's a symbol of fertility.

有损害生育能力的危险。R62 Risk of impaired fertility.

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压力是生育能力的大敌。Stress is no friend to fertility.

科索沃人的生育率也在下降。Kosovar fertility is dropping, too.

巴比伦的生产女神。Babylonian-Akkadian fertility goddess.

有咩办法可以增肥啊?。What measures can be taken fertility ah?

结婚率和生育率已经猛跌。Marriage and fertility rates have plunged.

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蚯蚓如何影响土壤肥力?。How do earthworms influence soil fertility?

我该避免些什么,以保护生育能力?What should I avoid to protect female fertility?

这当然会使稔性受到极大损害。This, of course, substantially impairs fertility.

GENESIS对雌蕊育性几乎没有影响。GENESIS has little effect to the pistil fertility.

怀孕时是否接受受胎治疗?Was a fertility treatment used for this pregnancy?

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体重相关的生育因素已经很明确了。Weight-related fertility factors are certainly known.

胚胎搞混了在生育诊所是极其罕见的。Embryo mix-ups at fertility clinics are extremely rare.

它是生长、和谐、新鲜和丰饶的象征。It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility.

男性生育能力可以用精子数来衡量。The sperm count is used as an indicator of male fertility.

安格斯牛适应性强,繁殖率高。Angus' adaptability is very capable, the fertility is high.

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首先,高死亡率和生育率之间是相关的。For a start, high mortality and fertility rates are related.

爱沙尼亚人向当地的收成和雷神进贡。Estonians made offerings to local fertility and thunder gods.

蒙顶山茶园土壤肥力质量总体水平不高。The overall fertility level in Mengding Mountain is not high.