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北方佬就将来临!The Yankee is coming!!

扬基是一个美国男孩。Yankee is an American boy.

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北方佬已经打败了他们!The Yankee already got them!

然后是洋基体育场。好吧,And then the Yankee Stadium. Well,

没人不知北方小贩Everybody's heard of Yankee peddlers.

他不介意人家叫他做扬基佬。He doesn't mind being called a Yankee.

什么也不要告诉他,他是个北佬的奸细。Don't tell him anything, he's a Yankee spy.

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扬基·都达尔进城,骑着一匹小马。Yankee Doodle went to town, A-riding on a pony.

敌人都跑了,杨基·嘟得儿,时髦哥儿。The enemy all runs away, at Yankee Doodle Dandy.

每根都是一个人、爱尔兰人或北方佬。Each one is a man, an Irishman , or a Yankee man.

凯伊爵士出现了,他押送这位美国佬到卡米洛。Sir Kay appears and escorts the Yankee to Camelot.

我原以为在扬基体育场不可以这样做。I didn’t realize that was permitted in Yankee Stadium.

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发出古龙水、烟草,以及他们那些洋基大麻精的恶臭。Stink of cologne and baccy, and all their Yankee hash.

洋基体育场是棒球中心的中心。Yankee Stadium is the center of the center of baseball.

你该如何评价洋基体育场呢?它真的很有趣。what can you say about the Yankee Stadium? It's really fun.

去年他在洋基球场上三振掉了10颗梅子。He whiffed 10 Mets in a game last June 17 at Yankee Stadium.

你知道这周末谁去看扬基队比赛了吗?You know who wasin town this weekend, went to a Yankee game?

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你们知道今天谁进城看洋基队比赛了吗?You know who was in town this weekend, went to a Yankee game?

痛说这个计画会和他一起来到洋基球场。Pavano said that the program can come with him to Yankee Stadium.

喀尔文·柯立芝是特出的洋基客实例。President Calvin Coolidge was a striking example of the Yankee type.