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他年轻时,只不过因为敢顶嘴,就失业了好几次。He lose his job serval times just because talk back.

并给出了系统的部分效果图。In addition, it gives serval effect chart of the system.

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我的仙人掌身上有一条条的黄色的疤痕,请问这是怎么回事?My body of the cacti has serval scars, what happened to them?

我在大学里有好几次被评为“三好学生”。I was honored as a" Three Virtues" in university serval times.

薮猫拥有庞大的耳朵和令人惊讶的听力。The Serval is a cat with huge ears and amazing listening skills.

与此同时,我参加薮猫te国家医学会议过去的2年。Meanwhile, I have taken part in serval national medical conference in te past 2 years.

现代长城中有几段已经成为了旅游胜地。There are serval sections of the Great Wall regularly visited by modern tourists today.

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我们的人生中有着很多种爱,家人的爱,朋友间的爱,还有情侣之间的爱。There are serval love in our life , such as the love of family , the love of friends , the love of lovers.

人们很容易意外摄入过量的扑热息痛如果他们服用的药中都含有此成分。People can accidentally take acetaminophen if they take serval medicine several medicines that all contain it.

在晚上很多人抱怨像猫似的叫声,而一位在垂钓路上的商人看到一只美洲豹在一棵树上。Serval people complained of cat like noises at night and a bussiness man on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.

这个机子有不同的播放模式你也可以选择音质平衡、3D模式以及超强坻音等功能。You con choose from serval play modes, or you can use the full-spectrum equalization, 3D mode and Mega Boss features.

国务院结合了从冷战时期到最近1998年项目的数个项目。The State Department combined serval several programs stating dating to the coldful Cold War into the current program in 1998.

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在北海油田上,就有几口分支井在作业过程中均遇到了井眼的失稳问题。In the North Sea oil fields, there are serval lateral wells encountering wellbore instability problem in the operating process.

对应用于动物遗传育种领域的几种主要分子遗传标记技术进行概述。Serval main techniques of molecular genetic markers used in the field of animal genetic and breeding are generalized in this paper.

珠海的厂家提供了几种话机,如果全部达标,是全部都要还是其中的几种?。If all the cion phone achieved standard which by Zhuhai manufacturer, You want to need all or any of the serval kinds for the phone?

此方程将脉动流速分解为三个组成部分,并且据此导出脉动应力分解方程。According to the above work, the Renolds-stress is resolved into serval parts, and the composed equation of Renolds-stress is derived.

从提高主轴轴承精度和刚度的角度浅谈提高主轴回转精度的几种措施。Serval measures of improving the circular accurary of spindle were discussed with the view of improving the accurary and rigidity of spindle bearing.

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本章重点从邻域函数、学习率调整等方面研究了二维网络的改进算法,并将之应用于烟叶动态分类问题。The algorithm of two-dimensional Kohonen network is improved from serval aspects such as neighborhood function, learning rate, etc. It is applied into tobacco clustering.

本文首先介绍了阵列天线的基本概念、基本原理及常用阵列天线的数学模型。Firstly, the paper introduces the conception, theory and mathematical model of the array antenna. Serval algorithms of adaptive beamforming and DOA are analyzed using MATLAB software.

在植树节那天,我和我的家人到北京的郊区去,我们在那里种了一些树,我希望那些小树苗现在还活着。Uh, well , on the, on the tree planting day and my , my family and I we went to the suburbs of Beijing and we planted serval trees there and I hope these young trees are still alive now.