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折出一台纸针孔相机!How to Fold a Pinhole Camera?

无针孔的涂膜,没有表面缺陷的表面。Pinhole free film. A surface free from any defects.

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甘汞电板上有一个针孔或砂芯。The calomel electrode has a small pinhole opening or wick.

针孔和蛀洞所造成的危害对结构的影响不大。Pinhole on shot-hole damage is never structurally significant.

定性分析和讨论了堵口现象。The pinhole closure problom was qualitatively analysed and discussed.

门正中上方的一个小孔看上去像是材料的缺陷。A pinhole above the door's center seem an imperfection of the material.

改进后变速箱体销孔凸缘曲线不再产生裂纹现象。After improved, the pinhole rib of gearbox has no longer produced crack.

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门正中上方的一个小孔看上去像是材料的缺陷。A pinhole above the door's center seemed an imperfection of the material.

可用于任何类型的相机从胶片单反针孔到电影。Can be used for any type of camera from film SLR to pinhole to cinematographic.

身临其境的体验,教你如何建立自己的间谍针孔摄像头。Immersive experience that teaches how to build your very own pinhole spy camera.

光斑尺寸和空间滤波系统的针孔光阑直径有关。The focal spot, size depend on the pinhole diaphragm diameter of spatial filter.

一个由啤酒罐制成的针孔摄像机放在英格兰北部三个月了。A pinhole camera made out of a beer can was left in the north of England for three months.

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研究辐射加热腔诊断孔堵口现象。The study on pinhole closure of diagnostic pinhole in the cavity heated by radiation is reported.

设计师马特·尼克尔森发明出一种免费的替代品——纸质山寨徕卡M3针孔照相机。Designer Matt Nicholson has devised a free alternative, the printable Paper Lie-ca M3 Pinhole Camera.

鹦鹉螺之眼。这种没有透镜结构的瞳孔更像是针孔相机的孔。The eye of a nautilus mollusk. The lens-less pupil works rather like the aperture of a pinhole camera.

针孔照相机中的图像颜色貌似与现实相左,其实颜色来自从溴化银微粒中析出的金属银。The colours appearing in this pinhole camera picture are not related to the actual colours of the scene.

至于下一步的工作,他们要研究怎么模拟复杂的沟槽和针孔凹陷。For their next work, they'll be looking at how to replicate the intricate grooves and pinhole depressions.

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世界摄影史的开篇公认“小孔成像”原理是中国古人墨子的研究发现。The pinhole imaging principle, it is widely believed, is discovered by Mo-tse, an ancient Chinese scholar.

射线通过一个小孔进入盒子,从而集中成一束。就像以前的针孔照相机。X-rays enter the box through a small hole that in turn focuses them, like an old-fashioned pinhole camera.

针齿壳销孔的加工是摆线针轮减速器制造的重要步骤之一。Pinhole machining of pin gear housing is one of important procedures in manufacturing cycloid speed reducer.