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丢弃你的羞怯,大胆地爱抚我。Discard your pudency, fondle me audaciously.

一个如此大胆而又如此创新和诱人的想法令他兴奋不已。An idea so daring and yet so audaciously tempting that a shiver of excitement quivered through him.

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如果发生了这样的事,那就等于上帝送给了奥巴马一个礼物,让他能够更理直气壮地宣布黑黑组合。Should that happens it will serves as a God-send opportunity for Obama to audaciously announce a black-black ticket.

最后对门户网站的地图应用方向作了合理而大胆的预测。In the end, the author forecasted the orientation of map application in governments' websites logically and audaciously.

起义的人也在一些岔路口的路角上布置了哨兵,并大胆地派遣了巡逻队到街垒外面去巡逻。The insurgents, on their side, placed videttes at the corners of all open spaces, and audaciously sent their patrols outside the barricades.

本文对脉冲耦合神经网络方法在各类医学图像分割中的应用进行了大胆尝试,为医学图像分割提供了新的思路。This thesis makes an attempt on the application of PCNN for medical image segmentation audaciously and tries to open a new way for image segmentation.

中西部地区矿产资源开发利用,政府必须切实转变职能,在实践中创造性地开展工作,坚持多法并举。To exploit mineral resources of the central and western areas, the government should change its own function, work creatively in the practice, use many methods to explore audaciously.

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作为后现代主义的主要文学形式之一,后现代小说对传统的小说形式作了大胆的反拨,以混乱无序、模糊含混、荒诞奇异取代完整清晰、有序理性。Postmodern fiction, a burgeoning literary form in the postmodern context, reforms the tradition audaciously by replacing order, lucidity and rationality with disorder, obscurity and absurdity.

作者大胆预测,电子油墨热转印将在今后数十年内成为主要的印花方式并有可能取代传统的圆网及铜辊印花。The writer predicate audaciously that the heat transfer print of electronic ink will be the main print of textile in later decades and maybe replace the traditional rotary screen and roller printing.

总而言之,一切从前为绅士们看不起的人,一切被绅士们打在泥沟里,在社会上没有了立足地位,没有了发言权的人,现在居然伸起头来了。In short, all those whom the gentry had despised, those whom they had trodden into the dirt, people with no place in society, people with no right to speak, have now audaciously lifted up their heads.