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传染性疾病控制已经基本实现疫苗防治。Communicable disease control has been mostly vaccine-based.

登革热是一种由过滤性病毒所引起的急性传染病。Dengue fever is an acute communicable disease caused by virus.

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是由性传播引起的慢性全身性传染性疾病。Is chronic body-wide communicable disease which causes by the natural dissemination.

在李博士执政期间,他开始时担任分管传染病的助理总干事。Under dr lee he initially served as assistant director-general communicable diseases.

世卫组织表示地防止了传染病的大面积爆发。The WHO says it has succeeded in staving off major outbreaks of communicable diseases.

在李博士执政期间,他开始时担任主管传染病的助理总干事。Under Dr Lee, he initially served as Assistant Director-General, Communicable Diseases.

患者目前在TTH传染病中心,情况稳定。The patient is being treated at the TTH Communicable Disease Centre and is in stable condition.

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人们常常会误解自然灾害与传染性疾病之间的关系。The relationship between natural disasters and communicable diseases is frequently misconstrued.

传染病疫情可引发紧急情况,造成广泛的死亡和痛苦。Outbreaks of communicable diseases can spark emergencies that cause widespread death and suffering.

爱尔兰为对抗传染病,捐赠给全球基金的款项,在2008年将增加到二千五百万欧元。Ireland's donation to the global fund to fight communicable diseases increases to? 25million In2008.

专家指出,这极易造成患者交叉感染和各种传染病的传播。Experts point out that these patients vulnerable to cross-infection and spread of communicable diseases.

方法对美国1999-2000年的西尼罗病毒监测工作方法、经验进行分析研究。Methods To research into the methods of surveillance and the experiences of the communicable disease in U.

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结论深圳市2010年传染病暴发疫情较2009年起数下降明显,流行特征亦有所区别。Conclusions The number of outbreaks of communicable diseases in 2010 was significantly reduced compared to 2009.

口蹄病是一种高传染疾病,它可以在牛、猪、绵羊、山羊和其他动物之间传播。Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly communicable disease that affects cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and other animals.

世界卫生组织估计,传染病对全球卫生的影响将在未来的25年中稳步下降。The WHO estimates that the effect of communicable diseases on global health will fall steadily over the next 25 years.

这些建议是可以限制包括流感在内的许多传染病的传播的谨慎措施。These recommendations are prudent measures which can limit the spread of many communicable diseases, including influenza.

更新的卫生部的检测和控制传染病指南中包括猪链球菌相关章节。Ministry of Health guidance on surveillance and control of communicable diseases was updated to include a section on S. suis.

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最后,假如你能够通过网络历史记录和地址追踪发现你心仪的对象患有某种传染性疾病,你肯定乐意花钱买心安吧?Finally, what if you could know, based on Web history and location tracking, that a prospective mate had a communicable disease.

南非桑德林厄姆的国立卫生实验室国家传染病研究所特殊病原体科室。National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory, Special Pathogens Unit, Sandringham, South Africa.

增加重大传染病、慢性病和职业病、地方病防治的专项投入。We will appropriate more funds to prevent and control major communicable diseases, chronic and occupational diseases, and endemics.