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我们生活的地球由星际尘埃聚集而成。We are here, made of stardust.

耶路撒冷的钟声,星系和星尘。Jerusalem bells, galaxies and stardust.

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我们正在分析星尘号的彗星样品。We are analyzing Stardust cometary samples.

同步召唤,飞翔吧,星尘龙!Synchro Summon! Take flight! Stardust Dragon!

星尘珠轻轻地有波光粼粼的外面。Stardust beads have a softly shimmering surface.

即使人体也主要是由宇宙尘组成的。Even the human body is largely composed of stardust.

弗兰克有许多想法,但它们只不过是虚无飘渺的梦想。Frank has a lot of ideas, but they are merely stardust.

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上一秒钟的幕下一个任务是星尘。Next on the list for a second-act mission was Stardust.

该程序管理着星团探测器所返回的所有样品。The program manages all the samples coming back from the Stardust probe.

最后,我感谢她,因为她在我的生命中撒下美妙的遐想。Finally, I thanked her simply for having sprinkled my life with stardust.

信念就是看到天使在云间漫舞,知道梦幻般的星空的神奇以及传说中月上人儿的智慧。To know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon.

我们的镏金星尘珠是由上一铜的核心融合十四克拉金牌。Our gold-filled stardust beads are composed of 14kt gold fused onto a brass core.

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美国国家航空航天管理局的“星尘”号探测器曾利用一块气凝胶来诱捕高速运行的彗星颗粒。NASA's Stardust mission used a block of aerogel to soft-catch high-speed comet particles.

第一个尘埃颗粒于三月被公诸于世,也于星团实验中被捕捉到。The first dust particle, also captured by the Stardust experiment, was announced in March.

他们希望加入这个组织,能在破败的英国经济上撒一点产自欧洲大陆的灵丹妙药。It hoped membership would sprinkle some European stardust on Britain's shipwrecked economy.

相互倾慕的最佳描述的父亲和在豪吉卡迈克尔经典儿子的团队,“星尘”号。"Mutual admiration best describes the father and son team on the Hoagy Carmichael classic, "Stardust.

深度撞击一样,虽然星尘仍适合飞行,因此对坦普尔1号的使命另作它用。Like Deep Impact, though, Stardust was still fit to fly and was thus repurposed for a mission to Tempel 1.

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换句话说一股星际尘埃的洪流正从我们门前流过,星尘号被派去进行采集。It was, in other words, a stream of interstellar dust flowing right at our doorstep, and Stardust was sent out to collect.

他帮忙制定了“星尘计划”,使用能被反射传感器探测到的再极化星尘来定位那些小行星,并扫除威胁。He helped develop the Stardust Plan, which used sensor-reflective repolarized dust to spot the asteroids and clear the threat.

信念就是看见天使在云端舞蹈,知道星空的惊奇以及月球人的智慧。To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds,To know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon.