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是未分类错误的主要代码。Is the major code for an unclassified error.

这款手机还可以切换成非机密模式。The Edge can also switch to an unclassified mode.

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表示的是指示发生了未分类错误的事件代码。Represents the event code indicating that an unclassified error occurred.

只需轻轻一点,用户就能在加密与非加密网络间切换。With one touch, users can switch between classified and unclassified networks.

如果从收藏集中删除剪辑,还可以在“未分类的剪辑”中找到该剪辑。If you delete from the collection, the clip can still be found in Unclassified Clips.

它还可以发送和接收机密和非机密的电话和电子邮件。It also can send and receive both classified and unclassified phone calls and emails.

据指控列表显示,他还下载了超过150,000份非机密电报。According to the charge sheet, he also downloaded more than 150,000 unclassified cables.

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这些非机密的文件却没有一处能够显示华为在进行间谍活动。None of the unclassified documents points to an actual act of espionage on Huawei’s part.

在附给国会的一封信中,奥巴马将该信息描述为“敏感但不机密”。In his accompanying letter to Congress, Obama described the information as "sensitive but unclassified".

因为空气中同样充斥着五颜六色乌七八糟的碳氧化物。That's because the air is also thick with oxides of many colors and complex carbon chains yet unclassified.

美政府官员承认大多数被攻击的站点只是国防部非保密站点。Government officials acknowledge many of the attacked Web sites have been unclassified Defense Department sites.

它加大了我们的军事优势,但是我们的非机密政府网络经常受到入侵者的攻击。Theyenable our military superiority, but our unclassified government networks areconstantly probed by intruders.

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日前,美国白宫发布了新规则,将联邦管理人员处理非保密的敏感信息进行标准化。The White House has issued new rules standardizing how federal managers handle sensitive but unclassified information.

1251区报告不保密版本,以及库存照管计划都反映出这一点。The unclassified version of the Section 1251 report, as well as the Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan, reflect this.

本文叙述了一种金属矿山全尾单管输送胶固充填新工艺。A new technology of consolidated filling with single piping unclassified tailings in metals mines is described in this paper.

通信安全学中指不保密的信息或处理已加密的保密信息的设备和线路。In communications security, unclassified information or equipment and wire lines that handle encrypted classified information.

另外,基于未分类资源的考虑,本研究的目的在于收集所有信息和数据。Additionally, the objective of this research is to gather all information and data for consideration from unclassified sources.

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并且简要分析了高浓度全尾泵送充填技术在国内矿山中的应用前景。Prospects of application of pumping unclassified tailing with high concentration slurry at domestic mines is briefly discussed.

未分类记录库,用于存储提交到记录中心但与任何其他记录传送条目均不匹配的记录。Unclassified Records library to store records submitted to the Records Center that do not match any other Record Routing entry.

在决策计划中创建一个规则,定义将未分类的内容复制到相应类别文件夹中的操作Create a rule in the decision plan that defines the action to copy your unclassified content into its corresponding category folder