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占卜者的预言正确吗?Are Nostradamus predictions correct?

甚至还有一本诺查丹玛斯傻瓜书。There is even a Nostradamus For Dummies.

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加入我们的聚会吧。我们需要新鲜血液。Nostradamus join the party. we need some new blood.

同样的,投资者更像是一个糟糕的预言家而非诺查丹玛斯。Again, investors were more Nostradumbus than Nostradamus.

上帝,是90年代的诺查丹玛斯最后和最早的昵称God the Last but First the nickname of Nostradamus of the 90's

诺查丹马斯,他的儿子,和助手策划了整个事件。Nostradamus , his son, and his assistant set the whole thing up.

诺查丹玛斯学习研究占星术以及玄幻科学还有那些能用来预测未来的东西。Nostradamus studied astrology and various "occult" sciences and used those to predict the future.

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即便用多普勒雷达观察或让诺斯卑达穆斯占卜的方法找到幸运8号球,也不会猜到湖人本赛季的变化。But this Lakers season couldn't have been forecast using Doppler radar of Nostradamus asking questions to a Magic 8 Ball.

但是,诺查丹马斯有目的地模糊化和神秘化他的预言,以此来便于自由解读预言。However, Nostradamus was purposefully vague and cryptic in each of his predictions, leaving them open for interpretation.

你们,快去诺查丹马斯的家中逮捕他,而你们处理他的前助手,捉拿囚禁至守卫室。You, hurry to Nostradamus 's house to arrest him, and you take care of his former assistant. You can just lock him up in the guardroom.

孙子兵法是诺查丹玛斯的战争,以及他的著作兵法,书面二千四百年前,仍是最终如何预订打赢。Sun Tzu was the Nostradamus of warfare, and his book Art of War, written 2,400 years ago, is still the ultimate how-to book for winning.

“占卜者”的探测范围为700到2,000公里,并且是唯一一套通过非传统的星型天线布局而没有进行发射与接收分离的系统。NOSTRADAMUS has a range of between 700 and 2,000 kilometers and is unique in not featuring a bistatic layout thanks to an unorthodox star-pattern antenna layout.

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我们的内部预言家预测当这个概念成为现实的时候,这个小电器的销售额将会一飞冲天,它将会打破很多记录,还会导致人们对它极度上瘾。Our in-house Nostradamus predictsthat device will cause many break-ups and serious addictions when this concept becomes a reality with the sales touching the sky.

在他的博客中,有一个相似的文章,声称那些指责克鲁格曼支持或者引起住房泡沫的人“就像说巫师导致了欧洲法西斯的崛起一样荒谬。”One of his ditto-heads posted on his blog that saying Krugman advocated or caused the housing bubble was "Like saying Nostradamus caused the rise of European fascism."

诺查丹玛斯意识到了他的预言能力所包含的力量,而这种力量的很大部分又落入坏人手上,他在他的四行诗里面故意把意思和次序都打乱。Knowing the power that his prophecies contained, and wary of this power falling into the wrong hands, Michel de Nostradamus scrambled both the meaning and the order of his quatrains.