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莱比锡的奥厄森林。Leipziger Auwald. Auwald floodplain forest, Leipzig.

河槽和滩地可互相转换。The river channel and floodplain can be mutually changed.

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滩地是平原河床季节性淹水的微地形。Floodplain is a seasonally inundated micro-geography on plain riverbed.

阿甘图尔一处闻起来有些酸臭到处都是灰尘的村庄,就坐落在阿瓦什河的泛滥平原上。Adgantole was a sour-smelling, dusty village beside the Awash River floodplain.

竞选的军队在北部黄土高原,现代宁夏黄河漫滩。The armies campaigned in the northern Loess Plateau, modern Ningxia and the Huanghe floodplain.

没想到他并没有回家,等发现他时,已经死于湘江河滩上。Did not think he did not go home, and so found him, had died on the Xiangjiang River floodplain.

偏爱溶氧量高的但是植物生长的水域例如洪泛区河道与永久的潟湖。Prefers well-oxygenated but vegetated waters such as floodplain river channels and permanent lagoons.

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为雨洪控制扩宽加深河道,以扩大泛滥区和增加行洪能力。Widen and deepen the channel for expanding floodplain and increasing flood capacity for flood control.

由模拟结果得知,水位能够符合实际流况在主深槽与高滩地间升降。From the simulated results, the water surface can rise and fall between the main channel and the floodplain.

县委会主席约翰·格里斯海默说,他了解人们为什么不希望在河滩地上建掩埋场。Presiding Commissioner John Griesheimer says he understands why people don't want a landfill in the floodplain.

巴拉那洪泛区湿地保存着大量的营养物,主要储存在沉淀物质里。The Parana floodplain marsh retains a large amount of nutrients being stored mainly in the sediment compartment.

洪水漫滩机会减小了,才能使黄河滩区人民与自然和谐相处。The people living on the floodplain area can get on well with the nature only there are few chances for flooding.

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在非洲建水坝意味着渔业减产,草场减产,洪水泛滥区农业产量下降,所有这些都是事先未预料到的。Dams in Africa have meant fewer fish, less grazing and less floodplain agriculture--none of which were anticipated.

因此建议在国际地球化学填图中用泛滥平原沉积物作为全球超低密度地球化学填图的采样介质。Thus, the floodplain sediment can be suggested to be the sampling medium for the international geochemical mapping.

中国希望三峡大坝建成后能为居住于长江泛洪平原的4亿人民带来繁荣。The Chinese hope the Three Gorges Dam will bring a boom to the 400 million people that occupy the Yangtze floodplain.

古人类活动遗址所处地貌部位为古永定河冲积扇的河间冲积平原。The landform on which ancient human activity relic located was interfluvial floodplain on Yongding River Alluvial Fan.

另外,范德堡大学的考古学教授称,这些工具来自只有6-7厘米厚的涝原的沉积层。In addition, said the Vanderbilt anthropology professor, the tools come from a floodplain deposit that is just 6-7cm thick.

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在恐龙时期这个地区则更多为泛滥平原环境,平坦的平原上纵横交错着大而曲折的河流。Back in the dinosaur era, it was more of a floodplain environment, with a flat plain crisscrossed by big, meandering rivers.

为此,迫切需要开展大规模的滩区安全建设,以解决黄河下游滩区安全问题。Therefore, large-scaled floodplain safety construction should be urgently implemented in order to solve the safety problems.

洪水是水流运动的一种自然现象,是河流对河滨洪泛湿地系统的一种正常的干扰。Flood is one of the natural phenomena of water flows and acting as a natural disturbance of rivers to their floodplain wetlands.