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准备第一次整成直发式?Going to lay on that first conk?

假如你再烦我,我就要打你的头。I'll conk you if you annoy me again.

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他们在等着老人断气。They were waiting for the old man to conk out.

我当时还发誓再也不能没有直发了,而我确实很多年一直留有直发。I vowed that I'd never again be without a conk , and I never was for many years.

要是我的手机电量即将耗尽,我能拿着它晃几下以便多撑几分钟么?If my phone is about to conk out, could I get it to last a few minutes longer by shaking it?

因车辆行驶中发生故障给乙方造成保险责任范围以外的经济损失,甲方不予负责。Party A does not take responsibilities for Party B's damages out of insurance force caused by machine conk out.

蒙族学生呈波浪式趋势,大二时达最低点。大一大三大四年级变化不大。It goes in conk tendency that reaches the lowest in second year and change little in first, third and fourth year.

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阐述了干熄焦提升机的电气组成、传动及控制原理,并给出了提升机的常见故障和相应的处理对策。Analyzed the electric elements and control principium of the CDQ crane, detailedly shew the countermeasures to common conk out of the CDQ crane.

为了避免这种运行方式在母线检修、故障时可能造成停电的缺点,因此可用断路器将单母线分段。In order to avoid power cut during examining and repairing of generatrix or conk out of this operation mode, breaker can be used to separate mono generatrix.

俄罗斯和中国的专家说,中国制造的盗版苏-27发动机照例会在工作30小时后停转,而俄罗斯的发动机在400小时后才需要整修。An engine China made for its Su-27 knock-off would routinely conk out after 30 hours whereas the Russian engines would need refurbishing after 400, Russian and Chinese experts said.