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超出范围的温度锁定。Out-of-range temperature lockout.

那次停摆,赛季被缩减到50场比赛。That lockout shortened to the season to 50 games.

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让自由从田纳西的卢考特山响起!Let freedom ring from Lockout Mountain of Tennessee!

协调所有授权人员的锁定与标识项目。Coordinates lockout tagout program for all authorized personnel.

当写保护功能激活后,开启写保护功能的扇区将进入只读模式。When the lockout feature is activated, locked-out sectors will be READ only.

卡纸锁具吊牌对单一使用者是一种比较经济的选择。Our cardstock lockout tags are a cost-effective option for single use applications.

NBA周五早晨的一份声明指出其将开始冻结其所有签约运动员。The NBA began a lockout of its players early Friday, a statement from the league said.

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如果下个赛季大幅缩水的话,那么马刺还有很大的机会拿下一枚总冠军的。If the lockout forces a shortened NBA season, the Spurs have an outside chance at the title.

KGC采用最新的锁定设计技术,用以保护人身安全与环境。KGC provides the latest in lockout design technology to protect both lives and the environment.

锁定位置上,膝部和髋部必须完全伸展,且在壶铃落至顶端位置时不能出现弯曲。The knees and hips must fully extend at the lockout and may not rebend as the kettlebell lands.

NBA停摆虽未能减少球鞋厂商的创造力,但也许他们的钱包会变瘦了。The NBA lockout hasn’t threatened shoe companies’ creativity. But it may threaten their wallets.

以一个顺畅的动作后摆壶铃,然后将其抓举至过顶姿态,在顶端位置锁定手肘。Hike the kettlebell back and snatch it overhead to the lockout position with one smooth movement.

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一切迹象都表明停摆很快就会结束,因此科比勒布朗德克们也即将回归赛场。All signs point to the lockout ending soon, so Kobe and LeBron and Dirk will be back on the court.

他10次参加全明星赛,其中有一个赛季由于停工而被取消。He has made the All Star team 10 times, with one of the seasons being cut off because of the lockout.

所以当其他球队提前进入休赛期的话,印第安纳会更加主动。So while other teams turned lockout time into an extended golfing season, Indiana took the initiative.

那次,在停摆开始后,工会花了6周时间才开始会谈,而且语气尖酸刻薄。Back then, it took six weeks for the parties to meet once the lockout began, and the tone was acrimonious.

纽曼帝克锁定阀,防止在服务或维修的航空系统擅自加压。Numatics lockout valves prevent unauthorized pressurization of an air system during service or maintenance.

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通过对自产生的基准电压进行温度补偿确保了锁定阈值电压和迟滞量稳定。The temperature compensated reference voltage stabilizes the lockout threshold voltage and hysteresis quality.

我恨不得把全世界都关在门外,只留我与我的悲痛相抱而眠。I itched to lockout the entire world outside my door, merely leaving me to embrace my deep sorrow to sleep together.

没有哪儿比洛杉矶更热爱NBA,但你知道我听几个人说过为停摆发愁吗?Nobody loves the NBA like Los Angeles, yet do you know how many people I have heard openly worrying about the lockout?