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刚好在边界上面Exactly on the border.

纯种的边境牧羊犬。Pure-bred Border Collie.

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突然就开在了花床或花盆上。Pop in the border or pots.

美国-墨西哥边境为此关闭。U.S.-Mexico border closed.

双实线边框。A double solid line border.

大批难民涌往边境。Refugees swarmed the border.

有一个长长的,松散的边境线。There is a long porous border.

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边防战士在站岗。The border guards are on guard.

它们承认一个边界线案例。They admit a border line cases.

做边境贸易的边疆宾馆。Hotels do border trade frontier.

边界延伸到河边。The border extends to the river.

带有4毫米粗边框的框。Box that has a 4-mm thick border.

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电镜观察细胞和纹状缘。EM of cells with striated border.

保护边境,捍卫国家!Protect border. Uphold the Nation.

军队不断地袭扰敌方的边境。The army harried the enemys border.

他们毕竟在边境上探视过They were on the border looking in.

我们坚持做“边防战士”。We persisted in being "border army".

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敌军对我边境地区进行袭击。Enemy troops raided our border areas.

森林延伸到边界以外。The forest extends beyond the border.

这些士兵守卫边疆。The soldiers are guarding the border.