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他1848年从阿尔斯特移民到这里。He immigrated from Ulster in 1848.

他曾担任纽约州阿尔斯特县议员和少数党领袖。Ulster County, New York, he served as Member and served as minority leader.

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他对于北爱尔兰共和主义和乌尔斯特问题特别敏感。He was particularly touchy about irish republicanism and the ulster question.

这个省占据了古爱尔兰阿尔斯特王国的很大一部分,并通常因其名而著称。The province occupies much of the ancient Irish kingdom of Ulster and is often known by that name.

阿尔斯特大学的研究人员说,家中有女儿有助于家庭成员之间敞开心扉、增进交流。The University of Ulster said having daughters made a family more open and willing to discuss feelings.

到了公元800年,爱尔兰的四个行省︰伦斯特、蒙斯特、康瑙特和阿尔斯特,在「高王」的领导下势力得到扩张。By 800 the four provinces of Leinster, Munster, Connaught, and Ulster had risen to power under "high kings."

专差出现在门口,身边跟着一个身穿长风衣,头戴旅行帽的年轻人。The express messenger appeared in the doorway, accompanied by a young man in a long ulster and traveling cap.

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英国第三步兵师第九步兵旅第二皇家阿尔斯特营也在战斗初期与狙击手遭遇。Battalion 'Royal Ulster Rifles', part of the 9. Infantry Brigade of the 3. Infantry Division met snipers early.

阿尔斯特的暴力火种正是在英国本土所有传媒均对北爱尔兰问题不闻不问的那些年播下的。It was during years of neglect by all the mainland British press that the seeds of violence were sown in Ulster.

查尔斯·杜洛埃先生刚刚走进帝国饭店的门厅,正在抖掉漂亮的长外套上面的雪。In the lobby of the Imperial, Mr. Charles Drouet was just arriving, shaking the snow from a very handsome ulster.

如果将阿尔斯特或北爱尔兰人加上去,就构成英国四个政治区域的所有居民了。If you add in Ulster or people from Northern Ireland, you have the citizens of the United Kingdom's four major political entities.

由于长年使用盖尔阔剑“克雷摩尔”进行训练,这些爱尔兰北部阿尔斯特地区的剑士极为强悍。Trained in the use of of the mighty Gaelic claíomh mór, these warriors from the Northern Irish region of Ulster are skilled swordsmen.

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在阿尔斯特山的夜总会和小店附近,球探注意到了跟着一群康尼马拉小马狂奔乱跑的乔治·贝斯特。George Best was spotted by scouts running wild with a pack of Connemara ponies through the discotheques and boutiques of the Ulster hills.

这时从酒吧的另一头过来一位绅士,他穿一件系着带子的黄长袍,皮肤白皙,身材颀长,动作利索。While the point was being debated a tall agile gentleman of fair complexion, wearing a long yellow ulster came from the far end of the bar.

除了威廉斯科特,铁克威廉是最杰出的艺术家在国际上已出生在阿尔斯特在二十世纪。Alongside William Scott, FE McWilliam was the most internationally distinguished artist to have been born in Ulster in the twentieth century.

他和妻子珍妮弗在纽约有个住所,但大多数时候,他们都居住在安静的纽约州阿尔斯特郡,距离纽约市以北90英里。He and his wife, Jennifer, have a place in New York City but spend much of their time in quiet Ulster County, N.Y., 90 miles north of the city.

那时,爱尔兰国内将有两个强大的竞争者,而作为一个正牌的外资银行,阿尔斯特银行的存在,将使市场仍有充分的竞争。Left behind would be two strong domestic players, with effective competition ensured by the presence of a decent foreign-owned rival, Ulster Bank.

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我们只能从一些7世纪的圣徒传教士和无名的阿尔斯特编年史作家的著作中知道他的一生。We rely on the works of some 7th century hagiographers and the anonymous writer of the Annals of Ulster for information about his life and activities.

一些国会议员与他同行,以及一个北爱尔兰统一,但最终,没有保守党,尽管麦克米兰曾短暂成为了莫斯利圈的一部分。A few MPs went with him, along with one Ulster Unionist, but in the end, no Conservatives, though Macmillan had briefly been part of the Mosley circle.

爱尔兰传说中乌尔斯特的公主,她为逃避与康乔巴国王结婚,与情人纳奥伊斯私奔。国王谋杀了纳奥伊斯之后,狄德丽自尽而死。A legendary princess of Ulster who eloped with her lover, Naoise, to escape marriage to King Conchobar. After the king murdered Naoise, she killed herself.