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直落落的洒到我的心里。Direct sprinkling to in mine heart.

又造一百个金碗。He also made a hundred gold sprinkling bowls.

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“她一哭起来就象一只喷水壶,”酒柜侍者应声说。"She cries like a sprinkling can, " the barman said.

我们看到一辆车在街上洒水。We saw a huge vehicle sprinkling water on the street.

户兰又造了盆,铲子,和盘子。He also made the basins and shovels and sprinkling bowls.

知更鸟用长笛般的鸣声泼溅着晚间的空气。Robins were sprinkling the evening air with flute-like whistles.

让和平的光芒辉洒在东方小巴黎美丽的土地上!Let peace light sprinkling in the east-small Paris beautiful land!

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通过对白来调节故事的节奏,增加兴奋点。Add pacing and excitement to your story by sprinkling it with dialog.

将咖啡渣撒在你的花园里可以消灭夜蛾和蚂蚁。Sprinkling coffee grounds around your garden eliminates cutworms and ants.

通过对白来调节故事的节奏,增加兴奋点。Step 7Add pacing and excitement to your story by sprinkling it with dialog.

这里的河流是那样的蜿蜒曲折、波光粼粼,映射出一派宁静祥和的街景。The winding rivers with sprinkling ripples reflect the tranquil street scenes.

一些不知名的小花,这儿一朵,那儿一丛的洒在田埂上。Some unknown flowers, one here, where a cluster on the sprinkling in the ridge.

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我还发现在麦片粥里面加上奇亚籽的话,到中午我还是很饱。I also find that by sprinkling Chia on my cereal, it keeps me full until lunch time.

纷纷扬扬的雪花洒落在矮松上,更给它添了一种特殊的庄严肃穆的气氛。The falling snow-flakes, sprinkling the pinions, gave it a special kind of solemnity.

用这些持续添加进公式里的信念,你可以做的就是胜利。With a sprinkling of persistence added to the formula you can do but one thing – win!

月华如练,银光洒庭轩,氤氲透骨,青衫风露。Yuet Wah such as training, silver sprinkling chamber Xuan, dense Cold Dew wind, green.

但极少量的特殊字符确实没有妨碍可读性。But readability is really not harmed by the very light sprinkling of special characters.

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所有你需要的只是,一个油酥松饼,蛋,和肉豆蔻洒。All you need is a shortcrust pastry, a well made egg custard, and a sprinkling of nutmeg.

结合喷灌、渗灌等的节水灌溉。Water conservation irrigation which is combined Sprinkling Irrigation, Subirrigation etc.

静电荷可以用撒布指示粉剂的方法,予以探测。Electric charge may be detected qualitatively by sprinkling or blowing indicating powders.