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波罗的海5月时仍然处在封冻状态。The Baltic was still frozen in May.

荷兰人控制了波罗的海的贸易往来The Dutch dominate the Baltic trade.

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那就在这个波罗的海小国买套房子吧。Just buy property in this Baltic State.

现在是到波罗地海畅泳的时候了!It's time for swimming in the Baltic Sea.

波罗的海桦木箱体,聚脲涂料。Baltic Birch enclosure with Polyurea coating.

普鲁士的,普鲁士人的普鲁士的,普鲁士的波罗的居民或。Of or relating to Prussia or its Baltic or German inhabitants.

波罗的海是世界上最大的微咸水盆地。The Baltic Sea is the largest brackish water basin in the world.

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伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗地海的船只进港。The Port of London laid an embargo on ships coming from the Baltic.

关于供罗的海干货系数下列哪个陈述是正确的?Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the Baltic Dry Index?

瑞典东南部一城市,位于波罗的海的哥特兰岛西岸。A city of southeast Sweden on western Gotland Island on the Baltic Sea.

伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗的海的船只入港。The port of London laid an embargo on all ships coming from the Baltic.

最大的煤矿是俄罗斯在波罗的海地区,西部的加里宁格勒。The largest mine in the Baltic region is in Russia, west of Kaliningrad.

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事实上,这项规定已经适用于欧洲的波罗的海和北海水域。This is already the standard when it comes to the Baltic and North Seas.

可怕的吃木头的船蛆正在侵袭北欧的波罗的海。The dreaded wood-eating shipworm is invading northern Europe's Baltic Sea.

旅行团还会带游客史肯恩森博物馆,它位于城市靠波罗的海的那一边。On the city's Baltic side, the tour takes visitors past the Skansen Museum.

旅行团还会带游客经过史肯恩森博物馆,它位于这个城市靠波罗的海的那一边。On the city's Baltic side, the tour takes visitors past the Skansen Museum.

我们的上帝喜欢这个位于波罗的海和北海之间的天鹅窠。And our Lord loves the old swan's nest between the Baltic and the North Sea.

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韦斯特曼还说,渔民对鳕鱼的过度捕捞更是加剧了这种影响。Overfishing of Baltic cod has greatly intensified the problem, Westman said.

该公司总部设在波罗的海的格丁尼亚港口和其旅游中心。The company is based in Gdynia, known as the Baltic port and tourist center.

我们的上帝喜欢这个位于波罗的海和北海之间的天鹅窠。And dour Lord loves the old swan's nest between the Baltic and the North Sea.