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莫里斯脸上露出了邪恶的奸笑。Maurice gave a satanic smile.

他是一个恶魔,也是一股邪恶势力。He's a demonic spirit. He's a satanic force.

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他是一个恶魔,也是一股邪恶势力。He’s a demonic spirit. He’s a satanic force.

那会不会是撒殚教的一种仪式呢?Could it have been some sort of a satanic ritual?

当然,或许更令人头疼的是在撒旦身上进行的类比。Of course, perhaps even more troubling is the satanic parallel as well.

但是的确很少有证据证明撒旦教派及其阴谋。Yet little evidence supports claims about Satanic cults or conspiracies.

保罗这里说的是,某种统治着宇宙的撒旦或天使的力量吗?Is Paul talking here about sort of satanic angelic powers that ruled the cosmos?

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它以恶魔的方式进行犯罪,其教义正是魔教。It is Satanic in its manner of sinning, as it is Satanic in the teachings it purveys.

80年代初,很多教会有报告说加州酒店这首歌倒转来播放,会听到诡异的赞美撒旦的吟唱声。Hotel California was confirm a satanic song before in lot's of churches back in 1980's.

拉什迪的小说“撒旦的诗篇”令世人情感两极化。The tumult over Rushdie's book, The Satanic Verses polarized emotions around the world.

古时法老的术士们曾靠撒但的帮助来仿效上帝所行的奇迹。It was by satanic aid that Pharaoh's magicians were enabled to counterfeit the work of God.

耶洗别那扇门早已大开,现在她整个人已被撒但的邪恶侵占了。Jezebel, having opened that door long ago, was now a woman totally infested with satanic evil.

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想一想火星上的人脸,干酪三明治上的圣母玛丽亚像,摇滚乐传递出的魔鬼般的讯息。Consider the face on Mars, the Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich, satanic messages in rock music.

十五世纪末叶,咖啡传到欧洲,梵蒂冈要员纷纷主张把这种饮料斥为魔鬼之物。In the late 1500s, coffee had reached Europe, and Vatican officials were clamouring to condemn it as Satanic.

这就是统治了近半数人类,并号令人们在全世界进行恐怖活动的撒殚教祭司的写照。Such is the Satanic priesthood that rules almost half of mankind and which orders terrorist acts all over the world.

我大可以这样说,这种撒旦式的艺术感受力,可能是我们阅读弥尔顿时的最好引导之一。I would go so far to say that something like a satanic sensibility may be one of our best guides in our reading of Milton.

我大可以这样说,这种撒旦式的艺术感受力,可能是我们阅读弥尔顿时的最好引导之一。I would go so far to say that something like a satanic sensibility may be one of our best guides in our reading of Milton.

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除了撒殚教会的晋阶祭仪之外,世上没有任何地方会有这种理念。Nowhere in the world is this idea cultivated except in the rituals of dedication into the higher degrees of the Satanic church.

他们阴暗、水泡音的刺耳嗓音和恐怖、堂皇的撒旦式意象显然为极端金属乐队提供了主要灵感。Their dark, blistering sound, harsh vocals, and macabre, proudly Satanic imagery proved a major inspiration for extreme metal bands.

但是既然他们这样做了,就等于要为崇拜撒旦教在今天的年轻人中传播负首要责任。But in doing so, these musicians have been primarily responsible for the dramatic rise in Satanic practices among young people today.