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现在我想说一个关于栀子花的故事。Now i want to talk story about gardenia.

你找不到那种栀子的了!You will not find that type of gardenia.

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接下来,我要讲的是栀子花的故事。Following i will tell you a story of gardenia.

栀子花开了又落,燕子去了又来。Gardenia opened and ups and downs, went to another Swallow.

这天我和栀子准备出去散心,于是就匆匆的出去了。That day I prepared and Gardenia out relax and so hurried away.

繁华一季的栀子花,落了一地的失落与寞然。Gardenia bustling quarter, down a lonesome land loss and natural.

在这飘零的季节,栀子花拥有它的舞姿,美丽,娇艳。In the fall season, gardenia has its dance, beautiful, beautiful.

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从栀子果中可提制出黄色、蓝色、天蓝色、红色等色素。Various pigments can be extracted and formed from gardenia fruit.

这么多花,我最喜欢的就是我家门前的栀子花。So many flowers, my favorite is the gardenia in front of my house.

并且从栀子中的栀子甙可制备出栀子蓝和栀了红色素。Gardenia blue and gardenia red also can be made from gardenia fruit.

闷热的夏夜,栀子花带来关于南方的回忆。On muggy summer night, gardenia brought about memories in the South.

而红曲米色素和栀子蓝色素不具有抗氧活性。However, red kojic red and gardenia blue have no antioxidant activity.

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一阵微风吹来,栀子花就翩翩起舞,香气四溢。A gentle breeze blowing, gardenia on the dance floor, overflowing fragrance.

栀子是一种传统中药材,其中含有京尼平苷等多种有效成分。Geniposide is the main component of the Gardenia fruit used as a cholagogue.

作者从小到大每到夏天每天都会收到一支栀子花。The writer alwalys received a gardenia every day in summer from child to adult.

豪华而优雅,是栀子盆景树是一种震撼和无与伦比的礼物。Luxurious and graceful, a gardenia bonsai tree is a stunning and matchless gift.

素是栀子中的两种主要化学成分。Geniposide and crocin are two major chemical components of Gardenia jasminoides Eillis.

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去年五月的舞会上,她穿着丝制的礼服,长长黑黑的头发用一只栀子花挽成发髻。Last May she went to her prom in a silky gown, her long dark hair worn up with a gardenia.

栀子花真漂亮,我喜欢栀子花的美丽和那沁人心肺的香味。Gardenia really beautiful, I love the beauty of gardenia, and the smell of cardiopulmonary.

会照顾植物的人为他们的花园或者窗台去买一株栀子花。That everyone who cares enough goes ang buys a gardenia plant for their garden or windowsill.